Marrow Production añade otra actualización más de información sobre el Kickstarter de Journey: Wrath of Demons. En esta ocasión muestran los secciones del tableros ya con con las lineas de zonas, aun están trabajando en ello y el aspecto no será el definitivo, pero si podemos intuir como irá todo. Dependiendo del color de la linea sera zona impasable, mejorara la defensa, hará daño a los peregrinos o incluso entorpecerá el movimiento. Todo esto lo encontréis en esta entrada. No te lo pierdas Wargamer.
We showed you the art and some production details about the Map Tiles. Here’s some game play information. We will convert this to precise rules legalese in the rule book, but this should give you a good idea of how the Map Tiles play an active role in the game. You don’t simply move around each square.
Many games have a top down 3D board and there is a common problem. What exactly does the fancy board mean? Where does one feature start and one end? Does that little graphic just poking out there really mean that this whole square is a wall? That square has a chair drawn on it, is that higher ground? Etc, etc.
We have avoided all these problems by outlining key features of the board in color. We did not show this on the Map Tile art before, so take another look now we have added these lines and boxes.
Journey: Wrath of Demons - WIP Map Title (Marrow Production) |
And this one:
Journey: Wrath of Demons - WIP Map Title (Marrow Production) |
Here's the hi-res link.
The colored lines make it really clear how the features affect the game and exactly where the feature is on the map. No more arguing about that little bump that sticks out. So what do these lines mean?
Green Lines. You can’t move through a feature marked by a green line and you can’t draw line of sight across one of these lines. These lines are used on features like walls and other impenetrable obstacles. So how do you get inside the buildings or courtyards? We have many types of tokens to place on the tiles, including the door tokens. The doors are placed in different positions from one Quest to another, adding more variety to the game.
Red Lines. These mark the squares that damage the Pilgrims but do not damage the Demons. Pilgrims take one point of damage every time they enter one of these squares or if they are stationary on the square for a full turn, for example if they stop moving to attack. Worse than stepping on a crack!
Yellow Lines. These show defensive features. When characters that use the defense dice are here, they get a +1 bonus to defense. This will make more sense once we post the attacking video (attack and defense rolls are a quick opposed dice mechanic for figuring damage).
Blue Lines. These surround areas that slow the Pilgrims down, for example, rivers and marshy ground. Demons are too strong to be impeded by these features, but Pilgrims pay 2 movement points for a blue square not 1.
We have said we are showing you work in progress material in these game play updates. We are currently optimizing the colored lines, the thickness, color, and sharpness of the edges, etc, so they are clear, but do not interfere with the beautiful art that Henning Ludvigsen has created. They are prominent in these images so that you can see what we are talking about.
If you missed Game Play Update #2, on the Profile Sheets, click here.
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