jueves, octubre 31, 2013


Marrow Production nos da a todos una gran sorpresa añadiendo un Add-On especial para el dia de Halloween al Kickstarter de Journey: Wrath of Demons. En esta ocasión ofrecen un Jiangshi, una especie de zombie, en resina como Add-On y también otro Add-On de cuatro Jiangshi y un ataud en plástico. ¿Que opinas Wargamer?

Treat! We can see the pledges people are making and many of you are really going beyond the call of duty to support us. We’d like to call all backers that pledge more than $320 (including shipping) Warrior Monks and give you a special avatar to use with pride:

Journey: Wrath of Demons - Jiangshi Avatar (Marrow Production)

See this update for instructions on setting your avatar.

What? That’s not much of a treat, you say? Egg our house, you say? Okay, all Warrior Monks get a free Jiangshi, a Chinese Zombie resin miniature, with all the game cards. So who gets this free miniature, exactly? If your pledge total, including the shipping, is $320 or above at the end of the campaign, you get it. So if you pledge for Deluxe Journey, you get it. If you pledge for the T-Shirt and add an awful lot of Add-Ons, you get it. It’s simply linked to the dollar total, not to your pledge type.

Journey: Wrath of Demons - Jiangshi and Coffin Halloween Special Add-On (Marrow Production)

He is also available as an Add-On, $12 for a resin miniature. These are weak in the game, so you could have quite a few hopping around your boards at once. Yes, hopping. Rigor mortis gives Jiangshi a unique gait. They are a bit like vampires too, draining your life force once they get you.

Journey: Wrath of Demons - Jiangshi Halloween Special Add-On (Marrow Production)

So if a zombie horde would be good, $12 for resin minis could be a bit steep. How about we make them in plastic and offer a bundle? That’s right, plastic Jiangshi are unlocked now! The bundle price is $15 for 4 Jiangshi, coffin scenery marker and all necessary cards. One pack is good, two packs are double the fun!
Journey: Wrath of Demons - 4 x Jiangshi and Coffin Halloween Special Add-On (Marrow Production)

Zombies come out at Halloween, but where do you find them? Cemeteries, of course. Henning Ludvigsen has created an eerie Chinese cemetery Map Tile as one of the nine tiles in the core game, which we would like to share with you now:

Journey: Wrath of Demons - Cementerie Map Title (Marrow Production)
The high res image looks so much better, click here for a peek!

Have fun on Halloween!

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