Antimatter Games ha publicado en su Facebook que ya queda poco para finalizar su "Mini-Kicker" Guardians of the Abyss. Habiendo ya recaudado 12,544 son ya varias las metas alcanzadas y las miniaturas desbloqueadas. Ahora han subido las recompensas para los contribuciones de 185 $, añadiendo 4 miniaturas extra, y a las de 285 $ 8 miniaturas más.
Si marcha bien y las recaudaciones aumentan se esta barajando la posibilidad de publicar un escenario de juego realmente increible. Abajo teneis el concepto del mismo, el interior de una nava acuática En los laterales se pondrían mamparas como se puede ver el boceto para crear un escenario muy chulo. En caso de poder financiarse esta pieza tendría un precio aproximado de 150 $ en el propio Kickstarter.

Las miniaturas y el concepto del juego son realmente únicos. Os dejo con el Kickstarter y las actualizaciones más recientes del mismo.
Note: This "Mini-Kicker" is meant to run for 15 days so it can end in time to ship rewards for the holidays. We cannot guarantee that rewards will arrive before the end of December however, as some figures may be low in stock and require casting. Stretch rewards will ship later in 2013.
- High Roller Offers:
Every Backer at $195 or more gets an additional 4 medium sized (30mm base) miniatures of their choice. See the Rewards Options section on how to choose additional miniatures.
Every Backer at $285 or more gets an additional 8 medium sized (30mm base) miniatures of their choice. See the Rewards Options section on how to choose additional miniatures.

DeepWars is a tabletop wargame where forces battle below the waves of a lost underground ocean beneath a frozen southern continent, vying for control over ancient sunken ruins and wrecks holding powerful artifacts and golden treasure. Players command warbands from one of four main forces, developing their warriors as they gain experience though combat, exploration and recovery of treasure. Click the book section below to see a preview pdf of the DeepWars rulebook.
AntiMatter Games successfully launched DeepWars on schedule this month, using the funds from the first Kickstarter campaign to create starter sets of miniatures for four distinct forces, a full color rulebook dripping with detailed artwork, terrain, printed game maps, stat cards, and a mobile-browser compatible website with links to flash-based sites to explore. In short, we used the funds to create a complete product that is ready for sale in stores, with a robust and flexible game system based on the ever popular and award-winning Song of Blades ruleset by Ganesha Games.
So where do we go from here? DeepWars was designed for growth, with each force in the rulebook having around fifteen different main characters, with some having lists of wild creatures or ethereal demons to summon. We produced many of these characters, but there are still around five to six of the main characters, plus the summoned creatures, deadly terrain, wild creatures and plenty of other deep sea goodies that can be created. We are therefore starting this Kickstarter project to help fund the completion of as much of the DeepWars products as possible, so that the game can really come to life.
This project is what we are calling a "mini-kicker" in that it is only 15 days in order to finish before the holidays. All pledges will get rewards from the available DeepWars products, which will be shipped after the Kickstarter completes at the start of December so that they can arrive in the holiday season. We cannot guarantee shipping before the end of December to all regions, but we will do our best to get them there in time.
All stretch items that are unlocked and added to rewards will be shipped as they are available, up to July, 2013, giving us time to sculpt and cast miniatures and terrain. Stretch items have an additional shipping amount factored into their price. If a pledge has some stretch items that are not all complete but the backer wants an early delivery of the completed one, a partial shipment can be made with the completed stretch items, although it will require an additional $3 material and handling fee.

- INTENSE COMBAT in the abyssal depths of the Sea. Breach submarines, uncover undersea temples, and dodge torpedoes while recovering artifacts that hold the secrets of the ethereal void.
- SKIRMISH-RPG with a combination of 28mm scale miniature tabletop combat with campaign advancement and a role-playing flavor. The game can be played in single sessions of an hour, or as a campaign where warbands salvage ancient technology, design their own new tech items, enhance abilities and generally become powerful lords of the deep.
- DETAILED MINIATURES for each of four main forces, Fortune Hunters, Dark Mariners, Ancients of Atalán and the Scaly Horde. Starter sets include five miniatures with stat cards and a downloadable rule book. Also available are terrain kits, printed game maps and full-color art prints. Our goal here is to produce more miniatures to give players a complete game experience.
- FAST AND FUN gameplay are based on the award-winning Song of Blades and Heroes rules by Ganesha Games but with extensive additions such as multiple weapon types, armor, technology items (akin to magic items) and new combat and movement options. Almost all models are capable of swimming or movement through the water column, which gives the game a distinct three-dimensional feel when flight stands and base adapters are used. Rules are included for movement across depth “levels”, where hasty changes in depth can cause deadly barotrauma. There are also rules for the effects of variable visibility and light levels and for models that can easily navigate through the darkness using echolocation.
- MAGIC AND TECHNOLOGY plays an integral part in the game. Extensive list of ether tech weapons and items and multiple magical spell types, including elemental magic that causes hydrothermal eruptions, dimensional magic that allows unsavory spellcasters to call forth beings from the ethereal void, psychic magic to enslave the minds of victims and protection magic to negate the effects of the most vile spells.
- FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE game system with rules for creating new characters, weapons, armor and researching and improving tech artifacts. Don't like the forces, then create your own.

One can add any DeepWars models, books, terrain and starter sets to the pledge. Note that most miniatures are cast in metal, except for large monsters and mech constructs. Some pledges have "bonus" miniatures that can be chose from the list below or from unlocked stretch items. Commanders are worth three of these bonus miniatures, except for the Scaly Horde commander, which counts as four (it is enormous). Softcover rulebooks can be exchanged for three small figures (30mm base). Larger figures (40-50mm bases) count as two. Very Large figures (Mantaform mech, Death Ray Device, Nautiloid Chrysalid), that cost $25 or more are worth three small figures. Hardcover books can be exchanged for a starter set of choice.
Rewards with two Commanders get either the Fortune Hunter or Ancients of Atalan models. The Scaly Horde commander requires one bonus miniature "point" to be used or an additional $10 added to the total.
Overview of Large Figures and Cost in Bonus "Minis"
Large figures worth 2 minis:
Fortune Hunters - Breaching Mech Construct
Ancients of Atalan - Chariniform Mech Construct
Scaly Horde - Steel-Jaw Placoderm
Dark Mariners - Octopod Stealth Biomech
terrain - Mantrap Plant, Elder God Statue (+$5 shipping)
Very Large Figures or Commanders worth 3 minis
Fortune Hunters - Angus McBain, Commander
Ancients of Atalan - Alahal the Immortal, Commander
Ancients of Atalan - Mantaform Hunter Killer Mech
Dark Mariners - Nautiloid Chrysalid (locked)
Dark Mariners - Heavy Mech Construct (locked)
Terrain - Death Ray Device (+ $5 shipping)
Terrain - 4 Column Set (+ $5 shipping)
Massive figures worth 4 minis
Scaly Horde - Cthan, commander
Dark Mariners - Commander (upcoming)
Those that backed the original DeepWars project at $50 or higher and back this one at $50 level or higher get an additional 28-32mm tall miniature (30mm base size) added to their rewards.
For the $12 basic pledge, the shipping as shown is a flat fee but was expected to have one a few miniatures added. If the number of miniatures added to the total is heavy enough to make the actual shipping cost double the flat shipping cost or more, we may ask for half of the difference to help defray the expense.

Luxury Add-ons
These can be added to any pledge by simply adding the amount.
$500 Painted 28-32mm Studio Miniature & Custom Book - Get a studio-painted display version of a medium sized miniature and a customized hardback rulebook (with a pledge having a rulebook). This will be the same miniature used for photos and promotion and comes with a wooden display base. A special section is added to your hardcover rulebook with step-by-by step instruction on how it was painted and a signed page thanking you for your support. This is a one-off book with a cover of your choice, only for you! Painting by or an equivalent level painter. The price includes shipping. Shipping in August 2013.
$500 Custom Book with Your Scenarios and Custom Characters - Upgrade a pledge with a rulebook to get a deluxe hardback rulebook with a special section at the end having custom scenarios with maps and characters made using the character-builder rules, pictures or whatever you want, adding up to 20 pages of custom content and has a signed page thanking you for your support. This is a one-off book with a cover of your choice, only for you! The price includes shipping. Shipping in August 2013.
$175 High-Gaming Quality Painted Warband - Any warband can be painted to a high gaming level by or an equivalent level painter. This includes shipping. Shipping in August 2013.
$30 Upgrade softcover rulebook to Hardcover rulebook. Includes extra for shipping.

Funding from Kickstarter will be used to produce the the new stretch miniatures and terrain. Miniatures usually take from 3-6 weeks each to sculpt, then require master casting and then production casting before they can be packed into starter sets. Miniatures will be cast in either white metal or resin, depending on the size of the models. Casting, packing and production is done in the USA. Shipping does not include VAT or any other taxes for international awards.

The person running the show at AntiMatter Games ( is Eric from the Lone Brushman painting studio, who handles the game design and art direction. He is the primary contact point for inquiries into the game. Painted miniatures by Eric can be viewed
The primary artist, website developer, and producer of the video is Marcelo Orsi Blanco, owner of the Hidden Workshop design studio
Our main character concept artist is Víctor P. Corbella. His work can be found at Additional character art is done by Eric, Marcelo, and Giovanni Castro. His work can be found here
We are always looking for sculptors, but have a few already working on miniatures. The stable so far includes the great Bob Olley (a master of tentacled monsters), Kev "Goblinmaster" Adams, Bobby Jackson, Patrick "Bombshell" Keith, Brother Vinni and Sandra Garrity.
RISKS AND CHALLENGESLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
There are many steps to completing this project but we feel that we can manage it well. One of the ways to do this is to coordinate the artists and sculptors involved and make sure they share the same design vision.
The biggest challenge for a miniatures game is timing all of the different aspects of design so that they reach completion at expected deadlines. We have learned though our experience with DeepWars that issues do occur during production and to leave sufficient time and funds to mitigate the issues. We are currently shipping products out for DeepWars and are on schedule even after these issues. Sculpting miniatures takes time, upwards of weeks or months in some cases, so we split the work between sculptors to improve production speed giving forces to the sculptors that best suit the style of the concepts.
Overall, we feel that we are capable to overcoming the challenges to finish this project, especially since we finished a much more complicated project the first time around.
La verdad es que tiene buena pinta, con ese aire lovercraftiano que llevan muchas minis.
ResponderEliminarTantas minis y tan poco dinero para probarlas todas!