Quedan menos de 15 horas para que inicie la campaña de Kickstarter de Journey: Wrath of Demons, personalmente tengo mucho interes en este projecto y tenemos muchas ganas de ver como lo va a presentar. En esta entrada podreis leer unas palabras del autor tanto en Ingles como en Chino de agradecimiento y un muy breve recorido por el projecto. Si os fijais en la imágen de arriba veis como han evolucionado los diseños de las miniaturas y que llevan trabajando en el juego desde el 2003.
After a lot of preparation, I'm very excited to announce that "Journey: Wrath of Demons" will go live on Kickstarter tomorrow.
I've always been intrigued and fascinated by Chinese culture, more specifically, Chinese mythology which is relatively unknown in the West. Ten years ago , I thought that with good packaging and the right marketing, people would appreciate and enjoy the story of “Journey to the West”! Unfortunately, at that time my design and other skills were not at a high enough level, which left me unable to execute the project to its full potential.
A few years later I met Hon Ho, who is also very passionate about sculpting and western illustration. We soon become good friends and started discussing this idea and as a result, Hon and I established Marrow Production. We created this project to allow our audience to experience the art of Chinese mythology and portray themselves as one of the characters in the story.
We started with many obstacles and negative opinions, but luckily, we overcame the problems and learned from the experiences. Currently, there are still only the two of us and you can imagine, we’re shorthanded, have budget problems and limited resources.
We cannot thank enough those of you who have supported us unconditionally, family members, my girlfriend and Hon's wife. Also, the many kind artists for their research, design, art illustration, sculpture, molding, game design, dummies, narrative, music, filming, video editing, animation, advertising, script editing, and Kickstarter account set up. We appreciate my brother, Vicky, for making the fantastic videos, given his busy schedule.
This is our first creation, and we have spared no effort, energy and expense on this project!
We are only at the start of our journey, we hope you all can witness the result, no matter good or bad!
直至近年,相遇好友HON ,志趣相投,加上他一直鍾情外國美術,談到有這個意向,大家都認同以歐美䰛合中國主題,非常有趣。就成立Marrow Production !
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