viernes, octubre 18, 2013


En esta ocasión Marrow Production explica un par de cosas sobre el Kickstarter de Journey: Wrath of Demons, y nos dice cuales van a ser los pasos que van a seguir para mostrar más cosas de este juego de mesa y ademas nos dan un vistazo sobre el mismo.

So you have a chance to see our resin miniatures. Here is some information about another facet of Journey, the game play.

We will be giving out more information via game play videos in the early part of this Kickstarter. These videos have been recorded, we are just finishing the production now, it will not take long. We have been play testing the rules and are in the final stages of documenting them in precise, simple, English. This task is not trivial. Even if the rules are good, a badly written rulebook will ruin the game. We will only share the rules when we are convinced they are ready. We also have more updates planned that will show other components in more detail, for example the tiles and tokens, and the rule book.

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