sábado, octubre 19, 2013


Esta entrade de Marrow Production trata sobre todo el contenido que hasta la fecha incluye la caja básica del Kickstarter de Journey: Wrath of Demons, es muy interesante ya que explican también cuantos elementos de resina aproximadamente serán necesesario si quereis tener un juego de lujo, ya que si recordais son todos Collectors Upgrade y no vienen en la caja básica.

Backers, here is some more information about the game. This is a hard update to write, because the rewards change with every stretch goal. We’ll start with the core game that we planned for the $55,000 funding pledge and try to make it clear what bonus items have been added already. As well as listing the contents, we’ll describe the miniatures some more. Let’s start with the box! It will be 30cm by 30cm by 30cm in size and will weigh about 5-6lbs. This is a sizeable game. First the plastic miniatures list. The core box started at 33 miniatures:

• 4 Pilgrims: The Monkey King, Tripitaka, Cho Hakkai, Monk Sha

• 3 Demon Lords: Koorogg the Bull Demon King, Yazuiji the Empress Iron Fan, Kogaiji (Koorogg’s son)

• 2 Borrack Bull Generals

• 3 Boof Bullserkers

• 5 Bharhaz Bull Archers

• 15 Berrok Bull Warriors (1 pose but two weapons)

• 1 Kei Lun Heavenly Creature

These miniatures are made from ABS and PVC. These two plastics have different properties and allow us to create the best results with thin and thick parts of the miniature. We can show pictures of the resin minis so you can see what the sculpts look like. We will show pre-production plastic minis as soon as we have them, but we know what the factory is capable of and we’re demanding high quality plastic minis for this game. As a reference, look at the 1/35 military line from Dragon, there are many reviews by real customers on the web

Journey: Wrath of Demons - Berrok Bull Warriors (Marrow Production)

Journey: Wrath of Demons - Bharhaz Bull Archers (Marrow Production)

The smallest base is one square on the map tiles, so 30mm by 30mm for Tripitaka. The largest base is 4 squares, 60mm by 60mm for Kei Lun. Measuring from base to eye level, the Tripitaka miniature is small at 45mm, The Bull Demon King is larger, 90mm, and the Heavenly Creatures are just huge, 130mm for Kei Lun. Did I just say “Heavenly Creatures”? That was supposed to be secret! We have already unlocked more miniatures. At the pledge total of $100K, backers getting the Boxed Game Upgrades will also get:

• +1 Borrack Bull General

• +2 Bharhaz Bull Archers

• +4 Berrok Bull Warriors

• +1 Zing Yau

But the game is far more than just the miniatures:

• 6 Custom Dice

• 9 Single-Sided Map Tiles

• 4 Double-Sided Bridges Tiles

• 10 Double-Sided Door Tokens

• 12 Profile Sheets, one for each type of miniature

• 40 Pilgrim Skill Cards

• 50 Demon Cards

• 1 Fortune Spinner

• 80 Fortune/Misfortune Cards

• 20 Ongoing Condition Cards

• 35 Objective Tokens (10 Victims, 10 Sutras, 10 Mystical Boxes, 5 Water Wells)

• 5 Demon Gate Tokens

• 4 Initiative Tokens

All miniatures released in the stretch goals are supplied with all the cards you need to play them. For example, the new independent Demon Zing Yau comes with his Profile Sheet and extra Demon Cards. This means that the above list will also change as we unlock stretch goals. Of course, future Boxed Game Upgrades will change this list too. We are making miniature versions of some tokens. Different quests use different numbers of objectives. It is impossible to given firm numbers right now, as balancing the Quests will be the final task, but typical games use 4 Sutras Tokens and 6 Mystical Boxes. You can always mix card tokens and minis, perhaps using minis near the Pilgrims current location. There will be more detailed information on these other game components as the campaign continues. The game is in the final stages of development, so the contents are still subject to change. All miniatures in the core game are supplied unpainted.  

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