El Kickstarter de Torn Armor esta ya apunto de alcanzar los 50,000 $ que requiere, ahora mismo lleva 44,057$ con 416 participantes y faltan 9 días para finalizar.
En la actualizaciones aparte de sortear más bonos de 10$, menciona que añadirá más mapas si alcanza los 45,000$ a la caja básica. Además ya muestran la primera miniatura pintada, en este caso es una impresión 3D de la misma y no el producto final pero se aproxima mucho a lo que va a ser la calidad final del producto.
No te lo pierdas Wargamer.
Today's Winner
So we have just completed today's dice-rolling-a-thon-gift-of-goodies-for-a-backer.
Jamieson Hoffman, you sir win $10 extra in add-ons at the end of the Kickstarter! We have contacted you directly, congratulations and thank you for being a backer!
In other news ...
Jack and I have just come back from Gamestorm where we were talking to a potential distribution/consignment company. They are really great guys and we're heading back out there a little later to continue the conversation.
While we were there we met someone interesting ... one of our backers .... AND the winner of the Day Two dice-rolling contest: Michael Clarke!
How crazy is that?!
So just a quick status report on a few things here to keep you all in the loop.
We have started the process of planning for the shipping of everything later this year. We spent part of the afternoon talking to a warehousing company with the necessary staff, infrastructure, know-how and industry experience to get the final product all packaged up safely and into your hands.
For the EU backers the plan is to have everything shipped in bulk, but pre-packaged into individual backer packages, so Tor Gaming can then simply mail them out and everything in the box will be what you ordered.
We have started considering the packaging options, need for good protection, and the methods to get everything safely overseas in as little-a-time as possible.
I like being well prepared, so getting everything in order now will make everything run smoother later.
Stretch Goals
At 45k we're going to add more maps and terrain tiles - details forthcoming tomorrow.
At 50k we are going to add two more units to the core factions. I'll reveal exactly what over the next few days and we'll use it as an incentive to drive this to our funding goal! (can you believe how close we are!?)
At 55k, 60k, 65k and 70k there will likewise be mini stretch goals, so there is plenty to unlock on the way to that magical 75k mark!
The homepage will be updated tomorrow to reflect the mini-stretch goals.
Prototype painted mu slinger by Martin Jones (Reaper's painter!). It is a 3d printed prototype and is not representative of the final miniature production quality (which is plastic injection), but he looks great! More miniatures coming over the next few weeks as 3d prints of the various units get to the painters. He stands only about 20mm tall so as we get other painted prototypes in we'll start lining them up so you have a sense of scale.
~ Natalya
Dear Backers,
We'll we're now within striking distance! We are very close to the funding level and still have plenty of time on the clock. We will be pushing to fund this week, leaving most of the following week to catch the Kickstarter uptick. At that point the sky is the limit!
Even closer is the 45k mark!
45k Mini-stretch goal
In the core set we have eight maps, at 45k we will add two more:
1 - Forest
2 - Fields
3 - Farmhouse
4 - Grassland
5 - Chapel / Church
6 - Beach
7 - Road
8 - River / Bridge
9 - ???
10 - ???
2 - Fields
3 - Farmhouse
4 - Grassland
5 - Chapel / Church
6 - Beach
7 - Road
8 - River / Bridge
9 - ???
10 - ???
There are 4 terrain tiles in the core set. At 45k we will add 4 more: walls, barricades, rocks and trees.
At 50k we will be adding in small siege weaponry for the Sisk and Maychian factions ... artwork to be revealed ...
At 55k we are planning on adding a custom dice option as an add-on and additional unit cards.
At 60k we will unlock more units and variable miniatures (heads, arms, poses, etc).
The Battle for An Gearesdan
I did not hear back from the judge of your map submissions tonight, but considering that she has a very high profile day job that involves swat gear and explosions (I literally kid you not), I chose not to hassle her. I'll follow-up with her tomorrow on the map winner, which will mean that Monday night TWO updates to the An Gearesdan map will be made ... will the Sisk be able to pull back?
Kickstarter Updates
We tweaked a couple of things on the kickstarter pages today.
- EXTRA DICE have been added as an add-on. (Custom dice with faction symbols instead of hit symbols will be available at 55k)
- A new pledge reward for Minis, Minos and all stretch goals has been added (no rules, no box, no dice ... but if you are a pure mini-addict and do not want the game, then this is for you. If you are already doing the "minis & minos only" then this will enable you to tap into the stretch goals).
- The minotaurs have been added as add-ons. Collectively they are not the same value as the reward tiers (of course), but you can buy one or the other, or a small army of them this way.
The winner of the daily dice-a-thon
Today's winner of the extra $10 in add-ons is: James Juan. Congratulations Juan and thank you for being a backer of Torn Armor.
We'll talk to you on Monday!
~ Natalya
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