miércoles, marzo 20, 2013


Ya finalizó el Kickstarter de Wild West Exodus recaudando 332,194 $ y con una participación de 1,027 backers. En esta entrada tenéis todas las actualizaciones hasta la ultima.

Hasta el 1 de abril aún podéis comprar los artículos al precio que están en el Kickstarter con su descuento, además a partir de esa fecha hasta el día del lanzamiento seguirán con un desceunto menor en la página web. Todo un detalle para aquellos que se han enterado tarde del mismo.

Y si además llegaste tarde para añadir mas cosas o subir tu participación puedes ponerte en contactos con ellos para que añadan o modifiquen tu pledge. Toda esta información en la ultima actualización.

Posiblemente comentaremos este Kickstarter en la revisión semanal entre todos en mayor profundidad.


Well we promised a special surprise for all of our backers and here it is.  Jesse James had one more set of aces up his sleeve and he's playing them on his last hand.  
We have added a new stretch goal of $300,000.  This is for the unlocking of the Lawmen Mini Starter. 
This mini starter will included the following items.
Wyatt Earp - Boss
Doc Holliday - Underboss
Judge K. Stern - Sidekick
UR-30 Enforcer - Sidekick
1 x Box of Wave 1 Hired Hands (Includes 5 x close combat and 5 x long range highly detailed plastic miniatures)
In total the mini starter will feature 14 models.  
The special Kickstarter price for this mini starter is $60 and is available as an add-on item only.  
This starter CAN NOT be traded or swapped out for any other item.  This is a special bonus item that must be added to a pledge level in the add-on section of the survey.  
We hope you like this great update because we need to bring some justice to this landscape.  The good people of the Southwest need you.  
Please pledge today and be a hero.  
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We just wanted to show you the Hired Hands that will be coming with each Lawmen Mini Starter. 
You will get the following.
5 x Close Combat Hired Hands
5 x Long Range Hired Hands
All models in the hired hands box will be made of plastic.  
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We thought with just a few hours to go you guys should see the newer version of the game cards.  
These are almost at 95% done so not much will change from here.  Rules however may be tweaked a bit as we continue play testing for the following several weeks.  
We hope you like the direction that the game is going.  Enjoy
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With just a little under 2 hours left we have one last surprise for you.  Its not a huge one but should be a fun little bit to help everyone see how awesome this whole experience has been.
Once we pass $325k all Corrupt pledge levels will receive 1 FREE Light Support Vehicle  Wave 2 from each faction.  
This cannot be swapped and is just a little bonus from us.  You'll just need to tell us what faction you prefer if you want more of the same faction instead of the same faction.  
Also, all pledge levels from Wicked and up will get 1 Wild West Exodus Chief Sitting Bull wall poster.  17x11 inches
This is just to say thanks for what you guys did and how you helped us with our project.  
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Hey everyone, the mystery backer is doing it again.  He has just emailed me to tell me to make sure everyone in Heinous and above get the Mystery Marcus model. 
Is that not the coolest thing ever.  If you are pledging at Heinous you just got a new $15 mini for free just because one of our backers is awesome.  
Thank you to him and thank you to everyone else involved in this awesome project.  


I would personally like to say thank you to everyone that has backed this project.   Not only did we achieve our goal but we have set this new company in motion because of your pledges.  
The countless amount of people that helped are part of a list to long to write out.  From the backers that spent hours upon hours on the comments section to the mystery backer that helped everyone with his own hard earned cash donation.  
All of you are responsible for Wild West Exodus and the future it now has.  I personally guarantee that we will be pioneers in the miniature world with how we conduct business.  We will ensure that stores become priority and that gamer and collectors feel like they are more than just money bags.  
We will strive to create amazing models and detailed pieces that will not just look good but be competitive on the battle field.  All this will be part of our companies guarantee to you the backers.  
In the next several weeks it may seem quiet compared to the amount of excitement that we have all had over the past several weeks.  Don't let the quit scare you or make you uneasy.  
We are already hard at work producing the models that you have pledged for.  The hired hand boxes have actually been sent to china for tooling and production on those begins in just a few weeks.  
Our plan is to keep you informed with pictures, and updates from now until September.  We also encourage everyone to head over to our official forum to ask questions or check on progress.  www.wildwestexodusforum.com   
In the coming weeks we will select a dedicated team of forum mods that will have all kinds of informed insider knowledge to help everyone along the way.  Look for more details on that soon.
Next is the part about extending or increasing your pledge.  We are holding all pricing from the kickstarter firm until April 1st.  This means any of the deals you have seen on ks until today can still be purchased via PayPal over the next 2 weeks until April 1st.  
Our admin team is working on creating a very simple but informative excel spread sheet to help you place your order.  If you are looking to increase your pledge or add additional models please email us at info@outlawminiatures.com  and tell us you need to add something.  We will email out the spread sheet and send you a money request as soon as we have it back and filled out.  
Once April 1st has passed we will continue the great deals but at a more reasonable price via our official pre-order shopping cart on our www.wildwestexodus.com home page.  
More news on that in the coming weeks.  Please direct any questions to our normal email address of info@outlawminiatures.com  
If you would like to contact us we do have a temporary number at 480-389-4857.  Please leave a message and someone will return your call if you are dialing outside of normal business hours.  
The survey will also be complete and emailed out in the next 10 to 14 days at the longest.  Our goal is to have it out in less time depending on the complexity of the trading section.  You will all be the first to know when that survey is sent. 
Lastly we want to say thank you again.  You have made our dreams come true by backing this project and we will return that gesture by producing an amazing IP along with beautiful models you will all be proud to own.
Outlaw Miniatures

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