Cool Mini or Not esta realizando otro Kickstarter en esta ocasión es un juego de mesa con miniaturas, Rivet Wars, con un diseño muy curioso. Lleva solo once horas y ya han recaudado 98,944 $ con 613 backers gracias la increíble base de usuarios que ya tienen de anteriores Kickstarters, una muestra más de lo que se puede conseguir con las notificaciones de los Kickstarter y hacer que su producto se vea por las redes sociales y sobre todo muy bien presentado. Os dejo la entrada al completo como solemos hacer con las presentación para que le echéis un vistazo. El juego me parece muy curioso y las miniaturas me gustan bastante.
Rivet Wars is a miniatures boardgame that springs forth from the warped imagination of Ted Terranova - set on a world that never quite left World War I but with crazy technology like walking tanks, diesel powered armor, unicycled vehicles and armor plated cavalry!
Don't let the cute visuals fool you, it's a world full of angst, war-torn camaraderie and dark humor.

Unique mechanic
Rivet Wars is at its heart a strategy game, with both players deploying units each round to counter the threats set forth by their opponent and stay one tactical step ahead.
Heavily influenced by Ted's experience working on RTS games like Rise of Nations, players gather resources (bunkers and capture points) and use these to deploy streams of new units!
There's an ebb and flow on the tactical landscape and you can stock up surprises for your opponent to be unleashed even as he thinks he's winning!
Great looking models
Here are some painted shots of the models as well as scale comparisons. Note that the game does not ship with painted figures.

Unique tank upgrades
Each tank has a small turret which can fit character models that will give the tanks buffs or other modifiers. Don't glue down the hatches!
Casualties are high, and the fun quotient is higher!
Here's some of Ted's thoughts on Rivet Wars -

Contents of the boxed game
Each Rivet Wars game comes complete with:

- 12 Infantry
- 2 Cavalry
- 1 Tank
- 1 Vehicle
- 2 Heroes
- 1 Plug Turret

- 12 Infantry
- 2 Cavalry
- 1 Tank
- 1 Vehicle
- 2 Heroes
- 1 Plug Turret
Also included:
- 8 plain dice,
- 12 double sided tiles,
- 24 action cards,
- 11 mission cards,
- 2 Quick reference cards
- and 30 tokens

A great limited edition lithograph with color art from Rivet Wars.

Get two promo heroes!
The Vet: He fought for his nation, for what he believed in, but he was betrayed by his commanding officer and left for dead. Now he's returned and looking for a little payback. With skills honed from years of fighting in the worst conditions this vet can take punishment as good as he dishes it out. When you're in the fight, you better hope the Veteran is on your side.
R100: Created in the East Belgoff Steam Works as a prototype, the R100 was seen as a replacement for the foot soldier. With five times the strength of a Rivet and with armor plated skin there isn't much that can slow down this mechanized warrior. Unfortunately creating the R100 requires rare alloys and skilled clock makers so they are limited in their deployment. But if you get the chance to field an R100 in your regiment there won't be a trench line able to stop your forces!
Kickstarter and convention exclusive!

A copy of Rivet Wars, delivered straight to your door, plus a limited edition lithograph.

Get a copy of the game, plus 2 promo Heroes, a lithograph and 2 Faction Patches! This level will also get tons of extras if we hit our stretch goals!
Who am I?
Ted Terranova
After spending his youth fixing things in his grandfather's workshop and building war machines out of LEGO, Ted received his degree in architecture. This inevitably led to his spending the past fifteen years creating art for videogames like Settlers of Catan, Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties, Rise of Nations and Thrones and Patriots. His artwork has also appeared in Spectrum, 3D World Magazine, Fantastyka, Elemental and Expose. Now Ted has focused his energies on building out the world of Rivet Wars by combining his love of drawing tanks, military history and casting his own miniatures.
Kickstarter Goals
We're doing this Kickstarter so that we can hopefully improve on our core offer, and get more tools done so that the vision of Rivet Wars can fully come to life!

Of course, if we fund this quickly here are some great stretch goals to make this crazy game even crazier!

Every game will have bunkers ugpraded to plastic. These spawn points look even better fully realized in 3D!

If we hit this stretch, all capture points in the game will be upgraded to plastic instead of card.

If we hit this stretch, every game will get an additional 2 Cavalry and 1 Vehicle per side. That makes 4 Cavalry and 2 Vehicles!

Blitzkrieg only. The big kahunas come out to play at this level. Get an additional tank for both the Allies and Blight for Blitzkrieg level pledges as a free bonus!
RISKS AND CHALLENGESLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
From past experience, there are some vagaries in terms of timing when it comes to anything produced in China, such as:
Production delays
Shipping delays
Customs delays
Shipping delays
Customs delays
We've done our best to minimize this as far as possible, and we are always happy to refund pledges if for some totally unforeseen reason the game can't be delivered at all. Since the game is 95% complete, we don't believe this is in the least bit likely - we've successfully delivered Zombicide and will be shipping Sedition Wars shortly, our first two Kickstarter projects.
We also have two other ongoing projects, Relic Knights and Guilds of Cadwallon that are both progressing on schedule - please refer to those individual project pages if you'd like to check the progress there. These projects are entirely independent of Rivet Wars - they have completely different development teams and have no effect on the production flow or development of Rivet Wars.
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