jueves, octubre 04, 2012


El Indiegogo de Carnevale avanza y ahora han añadido un "perk" en la que permiten comprase toda la gama existente de Carnevale con un descuento considerable. Además os dejo el texto correspondiente en español y ambas actualizaciones hasta le fecha,

Acabamos de añadir un nuevo Perk!

Con este puedes levarte todo el catálogo de miniaturas de Carnevale y el reglamento en un solo click (y con un descuento total más que considerable!). Estamos recibiendo mucho feedback muy positivo, y estamos muy satisfechos de cómo está progresando la campaña.
También queremos aprovechar la oportunidad para recordaros que podéis optar a más de un Perk al mismo tiempo, llevándote una miniatura gratis en cada uno de ellos!



We’re very happy with the progress of the campaign, having funded almost a third of the whole quantity asked in less than 48 hours! But we’ve been told we’ve made a mistake with the pricing of some of the Perks including existing material, which are more expensive here than in our web-store! We’re very sorry for our mistake, but we can fix this situation right now:

-Any Perk from 37$ up to 199$ will receive one blister of your choice for free, priced 18€ or less in the Vesper-on Games web store.

- Any Perk from 200$ onwards will receive any two blisters of your choice for free, priced 18€ or less each in the Vesper-on Games web store.

This represents a very juicy discount for all our supporters. You can check the blisters available in this address: http://vesper-on.com

On the other hand, we are opening new Perks for you to choose from, including the other factions of the game. In the new images on the Campaign home you can see all the models that we have in our range, separated into the different factions.

Please continue to send us your feedback! Once we get to our goal, we will continue to offer more free stuff and stretched goals. Thanks a lot for all your support!


We’ve just added a new Perk!
With it you can get the whole range of Carnevale models and the rulebook in just one click. We’re receiving a lot of great feedback, and we’re very happy on how the campaign is going so far. We also want to take this chance to remind you all that you can pledge for more than one Perk at the same time, and you get a free model for each of them!

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