miércoles, agosto 29, 2012


Revisión de las formas de envio y gastos de envio finales, tanto si solo lo queremos en un único envio como si lo dividimos en varios.

In order to offer all the new stretch goals it became quite apparent that we would need to focus on implementing a staged delivery and tighten up our shipping costs. The manufacturer can only make so many cool things at once and we are putting them hard to work at getting you your pledges ASAP. With the addition of all these new toys, we need to consolidate the deliveries into two or possibly three stages. Please note, that you will be responsible for all VAT or import fees or taxes levied by your country of origin.

We are offering two options for shipping; the first and least expensive is to have us hold your order until all the items are in stock and available to ship. Please see the Stage 1 through 3 below for an estimate of how long you would need to wait based on what items you pledge for. The “hold my order until it is complete” option uses the shipping charges as previously listed. (See the FAQ at the bottom of the page. (International shipping for multiple rewards )

Note: There is no mix and match, you must choose whether you wish to wait and save shipping charges or have all items shipped as soon as they are in the WGF warehouse.

The second option, and most expensive, is for those who would love to have their toys as soon as possible. This will entail additional fees for both domestic and international deliveries.

Domestic shipping: All stage 1 is still free stage 2 will require the addition of a $7.00 delivery fee and if you pledge for stage 3 items this will require another $7.00 delivery fee.

International shipping: Each stage will require a base $15.00 fee with half of the listed shipping charges added for each box.

Example: If you pledge for an item that has a listed shipping cost of $7.00 you would need to use the $15.00 base charge and then add $3.50 for each additional box. 1 box = $15.00 + $3.50 Total $18.50. 2 boxes of a $7.00 shipping would be $15.00 + $3.50 +$3.50 = $22.00

Before the Kickstarter expires we will make available a web based calculator; you just plug in what you want and the delivery option you have chosen and you will receive a tally of the pledge and delivery fees for these options.

The delivery dates below are estimates for each stage, we are working to get these to you ASAP, but we also need to factor in transit time for shipping between China and the USA.

Stage 1: All items that fall within the $1-$60k stretch goal range will be stage one.

These items include:

The Leviathan Crusader, the 10 and 20 man Stormtrooper box sets, the Stormtrooper accessory sets, the Advanced Capacitor coolers, the Stormtrooper Support weapons set and the Excalibur sword.

These items have an estimated shipping date for the Wargames Factory warehouse of mid to late November.

Stage 2: All items that fall between the $61k-100k stretch goal ranges will be stage two.

These items include:

All weapon replacement arms, the 15mm scale Crusader, The Leviathan Mortis, and the free left hand Vulkan cannon.

These items have an estimated shipping date of mid to late March

Stage 3: All items that fall between $100k and up

(Stretch goals and estimated delivery are yet to be determined)

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