Nueva meta alcanzada, ya esta el personaje especial de los Forge Father y el equipo desbloqueado, para los 90.000 $ desbloquearan a los Veer-myn y a su MVP.
Forge Fathers are in - thank you so much!
That's now two free Forge Father figures added to a pledge of Jack or Striker!, and the Gorim Ironstone MVP included free with every Forge Father team!
Not only that but we’ve also added the Skittersneak Stealers team to the optional extras as an add-on in anticipation of the next stretch goal!
$90,000 – Reek Rolat and Veer-myn
This goal is all about the Veer-myn!
The Veer-myn team is mostly made up of Strikers, though there are Veer-myn Guards (not pictured)
Not only will we add two Veer-myn Skittersneak Stealers players to Jack and an additional two players to the team included in Striker! but, if we pass this goal, we’ll also be able to produce Reek Rolat – a Veer-myn MVP – and unlock it on the chart!
Early work-in-progress concept art
Reek Rolat is a Veer-myn Guard MVP and his full rules can be found in the DreadBall rulebook.
BUT we won’t just produce Reek Rolat – we’ll also include him free with every Veer-myn team included in your pledge:
- If your pledge already includes the Skittersneak Stealer team - you’ve pledgedStriker! ($150+) or you choose Veer-myn for your choice of team at Guard ($30+) – you’ll get Reek Rolat absolutely free!
- If you add the Skittersneak Stealers team to your pledge through the Extra Add-ons at the bottom of the main page then we’ll include Reek Rolat absolutely free! Simply increase your pledge by the appropriate amount and let us know what you want via the survey we’ll send out after the Kickstarter has closed on the 30th September and we'll include your free figure!
Exciting stuff!
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