jueves, octubre 17, 2013


Tercera actualización de Marrow Production del  Kickstarter de Journey: Wrath of Demons, ya consiguieron los $60,000 necesarios la segunda meta será dos Berrok Bull Archers adicionales en la caja de inicio cuando alcancen los $65,000 y anuncian algo completamente diferente para la siguiente meta, ¿qué sera?.

Great news! We have unlocked the first of our “Boxed Game Upgrade” stretch goals. The Boxed Game Upgrades are a group of stretch goals that are included with many pledges that have the game as part of the reward. The pledges, shown on the right, make it clear who will get the Boxed Game Upgrades. They are completely free! No change to your pledge, no increase in shipping.

Journey: Wrath of Demons - $60K Strech Goal Bharhaz Bull Warriors (Marrow Production)
If you get this Boxed Game Upgrade, it will add 4 plastic Berrok Bull Warrior miniatures to your pledge reward. You will get 19 Bull Warriors! Next we have another Boxed Game Upgrade, at $65,000. How long will it take to unlock this one?

Journey: Wrath of Demons - $65K Strech Goal Bharhaz Bull Archers (Marrow Production)
Something different is coming up for the next stretch goal!

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