Marrow Production añade una entrada más sobre el sistema de juego al Kickstarter de Journey: Wrath of Demons, en esta ocasión trata sobre el movimiento tanto de los Peregrinos y los Demonios, próximamente ampliaran con el combate así que no te lo pierdas Wargamer.
Welcome to another rules update. Thank you for the reception these updates are getting. We hope you can see that by the end of the project you will know quite a lot about the game.
So here is the movement video, it’s pretty simple really:
But not so simple that we could get it right! Yes, movement is forwards, in the direction you are facing. Did you spot the deliberate errors? There is no sideways or diagonal movement! You will have to forgive the hands of our video team for making a few missteps. Okay, back to the explanation. Each turn, Pilgrims get 2 Action Points that can be spent on any actions from this list:
- Move
- Attack
- Search
- Break Down a Door
- Rest (requires 2 action points)
Let’s start with a little background. Journey is a board game, not a table top war game and movement is quite different between these genres. Board game movement is normally constrained to the squares on the board. No measuring, no arguing about taking that extra ½ cm to get into cover, but it can be a little artificial. Journey is not a simulation of battle, it’s a fast paced board game. Even inside the board game genre there are differences. Some board games have facing, some don’t, some have diagonal movement, some don’t.
Journey has a very simple movement system. On the Profile Sheet you will be given a number of movement points. Spend one movement point to move one square forwards, in the direction you are facing. Spend one movement point to turn by 90º. You can mix stepping forwards and turning any way you want to. Specifically, so long as you have the movement points to spend, you can turn as many times as you want.
Some miniatures are on rectangular bases. When they turn, keep one square still and rotate around that point. It is your choice which square is the pivot.
The board is covered in obstacles. At no point can any part of your base be in the same square as an obstacle. You can’t move through walls, etc, even if you do not step on the square.
If you take a double move in one turn, add all the movement points up and move it all together. So if your MV is 3, a double move lets you spend 6 movement points. That will let you travel further over slow terrain than taking 2 separate moves at MV 3 points each.
If your base is large and partly on a special board tile, partly on a normal tile, you still pay the penalty (one foot in the water? Movement is slowed). If many squares of your base are on the same type of special square, you only pay the penalty once (both feet in lava? Just one Health Point of damage).
It does get a little more complex, because the basic rules are overridden from time to time. Some Skill Cards and Karma Rewards give you extra movement points. Some board squares cost two movement points to enter (turning is still one point). Some Skill Cards allow you to pass through obstacles while the card is in effect. You will be given reminders about this – explicit instructions on the cards or colored boxes on the board, or something. We don’t want you flicking through the rulebook as you play.
Someone asked about moving the wide miniatures over the narrow bridges, but the bridges and doors are actually big enough to let all miniatures pass. No special rules are required.
What happens if you forget and make a sideways move? Nothing really. Monkey is the trickster god and he doesn’t like rules, either.
The next rules video will be attacking, perhaps the most important part of the game. We may post some other updates first.
Are you just joining us? We have more rules information posted here.
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