lunes, marzo 25, 2013


Con 310 Backers y una recaudación de 46,969 el Kickstarter de Drake: The Dragon Wargame va muy bien y tiene además 26 días por delante para seguir creciendo.

En las actualizaciones presenta a una nueva miniatura para mejorar las unidades los comandantes, presentan un boceto con los tres, uno para cada Dragón, solo queda ver las miniaturas corespondientes, que viendo la trayectoria del diseñador seguro que van a quedar geniales.

Ademas ayer tuvimos el enorme placer de Tener Benjamin McDonald con nosotros en directo hablándonos sobre Drake y el Kickstarter. Nos lo pasamos muy bien y pudimos ver lo mucho que tiene que ofrecer Drake, y el sistema de juego tan peculiar que tiene. No te lo pierdas Wargamer.


AGM is very proud to have the excellent Dawne Stantien doing fantastic concept work for us. I love our concept pieces and will be showing them more and more as our campaign progresses. Unit commanders are an excellent way to enhance your infantry and give a serious punch!
Today I had the pleasure of doing a video chat hangout with our friends at "The Garouden" in Spain. One of the lads even looked me straight in the eye and said "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!" I seriously just about fell off my chair laughing....
Thank you all so very much for supporting us! We have some excellent and exciting things happening this week, stay tuned!
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Hello everybody!
Benji has been busy being interviewed by various folks about Drake.  One of these is Chumphammer who just released their interview with him and I'd like to share it with you. 
Here Benji talks about his inspiration for the game, his opinions on dragons, various tidbits about some of the back stories and lore of Drake as well as some details about the miniatures. 
You can tell that he loves what he does and wants everybody to love it too :)
The interview starts at 3:25, after the sound intro from our kickstarter video.

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