jueves, enero 17, 2013


Al Indiegogo de Willy Miniatures le quedan menos de cuatro días para finalizar. hasta la fecha les ha ido bien consiguiendo el limite necesario para subvencionar el proyecto y casi llegando al 200% de la recaudación inicial. Aún queda mucho tiempo por delante y las cosas pueden ir solo a mejor. Este equipo del Caos para juegos como el Bloodbowl la verdad que es muy bonito. Esta formado por ocho hombres bestias, cuatro guerreros del Caos y un minotauro. Solo queda ver si empiezan a romper barreras y salen mas sorpresas para todos los participantes de este Indiegogo.

About us

Willy Miniatures is a small company producing high quality miniatures for fantasy football and other miniature games. We offer alternative designs to the ones existing and we provide the players with a wide variety of miniatures to help them complete their teams. To achieve this we always work with the most talented sculptors.
You can see our full catalogue and contact us here

a look on the new WM chaos miniatures


Size comparisions between players

Size comparision between players


3D Sculpting 


Why crowdfunding?

Designing and sculpting nice miniatures is not cheap. We could go on producing some miniatures at a time, as we have been doing with our late projects, but with your help we can speed up the whole process. Using Indiegogo as a platform to rise funds helps us a lot since we can finance new miniatures, obtain feedback from our customers and it gives us confidence to keep working on. It also offers you the possibility of being part of this project and to get some cool rewards.


a complete List of all Chaos Team Pledges

Reward Goals

If we reach 10.000$ All contributors of Level 6 and higher will get a WM miniature for free or a 50% off on a WM big guy.
If we reach 12.000$ ALL contributors will get a new Chaos Star Player for just 8$. increasing your perk the appropriate amount.
If we reach 14.000$ All contributors of Level 6 and higher will get a WM miniature for free or a 50% off on a WM big guy.
If we reach 16.000$ ALL contributors will get a second new Chaos Star Player for just 8$. increasing your perk the appropriate amount.
If we reach 18.000$ All contributors of Level 6 and higher will get a WM miniature for free or a 50% off on a WM big guy.
If we reach 20.000$ ALL contributors will get a third new Chaos Star Player for just 8$. increasing your perk the appropriate amount.

Note: The new Chaos miniatures, the new Minotaur and the new Chaos StarPlayers are in this cases not eligible.
Note2: yes, you can join two "50% off on a WM big guy" options and get a whole WM big guy for free ;) if those goals are reached.

Estimated delivery: Spring 2013 (except LEVEL 11 which depends on the painter)

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