EasternFront Studios y Kobold Press han aunado fuerzas para sacar miniaturas para el RPG Midgard. El Kickstarter tiene una meta inicial de 3.000 $ que ya casi han alcanzado sin pasar ni si quiera 24 horas desde su lanzamiento. Constara en principio de 6 miniaturas que dependiendo del éxito se irán ampliando. Como siempre os dejo con al info del Kickstarter:
- Six years ago we were first introduced to the world of Midgard by the folks over at Kobold Press and their Kobold-in-Chief Wolfgang Baur. Midgard has grown considerably in that time, especially with the recent release of the Midgard Campaign Setting.
But in all that time one problem has remained - how to represent the unique characters and races from Midgard on the gaming table. Perhaps a skeleton for an Imperial Ghoul? A goblin for a Kobold? And what about Dragonkin, Gear Mages, Harem Assassins? And with the newly released Campaign setting even more people are now in need of characters and monsters to suit their game for this wonderful new world.
Well EasternFront Studios and Kobold Press have teamed up to bring the world of Midgard to life on your gaming table with an exciting new range of quality miniatures.
Mick Leach and his stable of talented artists and sculptors have already started work on bringing these miniatures to your gaming table. The initial goal is to fund the production of 6 miniatures of the same quality that you have come to expect from EasternFront Studios. Check out pics of the initial minis below - the Dwarf Wanderer, Ghoul Necromancer, Gear Mage, Harem Assassin, Bone Collective and Aboleth.

We want to try and make this kickstarter as flexible for you as possible and minimise complex trades so we can focus on making you quality miniatures and getting them to your gaming table as quickly as possible.
Each miniature in this kickstarter is classified as one of 2 types: Type M (up to 35mm in height) or Type L (over 35mm in height). Each Pledge Level from GOBLIN onwards gives you the choice of one or more Type M miniatures that you can choose from the initial list and any unlocked through stretch goals. These choices can also be traded in for Size L minis. The Eastern Front Trading House section below outlines how many Type M choices each Type L mini counts as.
The Trading House also contains other extras and options that you can add to your pledge and rewards. For example, you can add more Type M and Type L minis to your rewards and 'upgrade' your resin Type M miniatures to metal (Type L miniatures, such as the Aboleth, cannot be made in metal).

All rights to the custom miniatures remain with EasternFront Studios and Kobold Press. This includes sole rights to manufacture and produce them.
Finally, you can choose a maximum of 10 miniatures of a specific model due to Kickstarter guidelines.

The Eastern Front Trading House specialises in offering a menagerie of monsters, exotic beasts and Hirelings for purchase and trade. They source these creatures from all over Midgard, risking their lives and limbs to bring the best choice possible for their customers.
Just as trade is the life blood of Zobeck and the Crossroads, so too is it for this Kickstarter. The Eastern Front Trading House lets you trade in some of your Type M choices for Type L miniatures at the rate indicated below. For example, if you want an Aboleth, either add $20 to your pledge, or trade in 5 of your Type M choices.
Only Bandits and higher can make use of the Eastern Front Trading House. Thrall's and Goblins are unable to access the goodies that can be found here.
Type M Choices
Bone Collective
Dwarf Wanderer
Gear Mage
Ghoul Necromancer
Harem Assassin
Type L Choices
Aboleth = 5 Type M choices or +$20
We've also got some different options that you can add to your rewards. Just increase your pledge by the amounts shown for each item below.
+$2 -- Upgrade 1 Type M Mini from Resin to Metal
+$4 -- Add 1 Resin Type M Choice
+$6 -- Add 1 Metal Type M Choice

We hope to add new miniatures for you to choose from as stretch goals should we exceed our initial goal.

With your help we can bring a great range of miniatures to your gaming table. All Kickstarters rely on the word of mouth of backers to succeed and this one is no exception. Please help us by using these avatar images here on Kickstarter and any where else you can.

Your support is greatly appreciated.
RISKS AND CHALLENGESLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
Eastern Front Studios has acquired the exclusive licensing rights to produce the Official Midgard RPG miniatures line and has worked with Kobold Press and Wolfgang Baur on this project for nearly 2 years. This has allowed us to address the risks during the pre-production and production phases to make sure that the necessary infrastructure is in place to be able to deliver these miniatures to you.
We have a lot of experience in delivering rewards for kickstarters through running the Dwarf Gladiators kickstarter and supporting others such as the Fallen City of Carez boardgame by Golden Egg, Andy Hopp's Low Life Miniatures and the Bleeding Hollow by TPK Games.
Based on this experience we know that there are a number of points in the process where delays can occur:
■ Sculpting
■ Production
■ Quality Control
■ Shipping
■ Production
■ Quality Control
■ Shipping
At the moment, Bleeding Hollow, Fallen City and Dwarf Gladiators are all on schedule and expected to meet their shipping dates. Low Life has been slightly delayed but is expected to ship in January, within 4 weeks of its initial delivery date.
The expanded team is staying focused on keeping our many newly made friends up-to-date with these projects and answering any questions they may have.
The biggest challenge we can think of is that of extreme success. We have prepared as best as possible for this outcome. The first 6 of these miniatures are already made in preproduction GREENS and we have dozens of possible designs ready to give to our professional and talented sculptors, who are up to the job. The one thing it might do is delay our ability to send out the final rewards to you by a few months. Of course we'll keep you completely informed of any challenges or obstacles such as these that might affect our delivery dates throughout the kickstarter and beyond.
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