Imbrian Arts lanzó este increible Kickstarter para sacar cuatro nuevas miniaturas de 32 mm, ahora ya van por 27 modelos y la cosa sigue adelante. Quedan aun 14 días para que finalice este Kickstarter. Os dejo aquí toda la página principal para que veais las increíbles miniaturas. Además este kickstarter desembocara en un juego de escaramuzas que utilizará huesos para determinar el futuro de las miniaturas, una alternativa muy curiosa a los dados.
A Paypal option has been set up for fans who wish to back this project but can't create an Amazon account. Imbrian Arts Shop
Imbrian Arts offers the most beautifully crafted 32mm fantasy miniatures available. Sculpted in stunning detail, each miniature brings with it loads of character and life to your table top. They're incredibly fun to paint and would make an excellent center piece in your collection or a suitable hero or villain in your favourite RPG.
The ultimate goal of Imbrian Arts is to produce an exciting and in depth skirmish game. The framework is in place. We have an exciting world filled with bizarre, terrifying, and heroic creatures, and a unique game mechanic designed to plunge you into that world. But in order to do it right and give players the choices and options they need to have an exciting game every time, we need to expand the range and create more miniatures!
Here are a few pictures of the monk, made possible because of the success of this kick starter. Up next is the gnoll!

Next Stretch Goal- The Death Spore
Death spores are a favourite past time of many liches. It can take decades to train the fungi, but through careful grooming it can start to take on a corpse like appearance. Death spore sculpture is considered to be an art form which can take centuries to master. And indeed the fruit of this labour is the delight of seeing its hapless victims fall prey and be consumed by the angry fungus. Aaah death spores.

The Project
With this project we'll be able to produce 4 new miniatures. These miniatures have already been sculpted and are ready to be sent off for moulding and put into production. The miniatures will be cast in a durable and highly detailed plastic material capable of capturing all the detail of the master just as beautifully as the normal lead alloy used in other Imbrian Arts miniatures.

Stretch Goals and Additional Rewards
After the initial funding goal is reached new stretch goals will be revealed. These goals will be aimed at expanding the desert and undead ranges with new fighters, monsters, demons, demi-gods and much more.

The Ifrit is a demon of smoke and fire. His clothes and armour smoke and writhe with sparks and cinders as if from within his bones lies burning coals instead of marrow.
If this goal is met, this miniature will come free with any order of $110 or more. Alternatively you can include the ifrit in your order by adding $12 to your pledge or $22 for the resin version.

Liches are power wizards whose magic has allowed them to continue their study and mastery of magic and science well after their body has failed them. Secreting themselves away in their underground tombs they have continued to push the boundaries of science with the aid of their necromantic powers, creating some of the most ghastly monstrosities imaginable. But as the resources of their burial horde dwindle, and the technology of the surface has begun to make gains upon that of the underworld, they must venture fourth again in order to enslave and harness what can be learned of the outside world.

The death knight is going to be one of the elite miniatures in your undead force and is the key to unlocking some truly nasty creatures. It may be difficult to tell from the concept, but the death knight's armour is perforated with holes in certain places, much like an elaborate censer, and from these intricately carved holes weep clouds of terror, like velvety black smoke. You can purchase him as an add on by increasing your pledge or at the basic or gamer levels for new backers.

The desert set is here! The set will cost $85 and include shipping within the US. It consists of an asura sorceress, six creatures, and 7 bones. The Collector's set will consist of resin miniatures, signed concept art cards, a certificate of authenticity, and 7 bone pieces for $155. Also remember that because both these sets are over $85 you will receive the necromancer bat and another bone free!

The basilisk will come with an alternate head. The cockatrice version will be useable in the Troll Druid's force. This miniature is in the desert set but is available as an add on to you pledge for $20 (it's big!)

Update- mini reward
At $8,500 I'll include the necromancer bat FREE in any pledge of $85 or more.

The goblins are ready for war! If you're already a backer just add the price of the set or the miniatures you want to your pledge. Add $5 for shipping if you're getting the set. If you're new to this project and havent funded yet there is a GAMER SET reward level. You'll get the set, access to downloadable rules when they become available and a bone for each miniature in your order!
The Future is in the bones!
Game development will continue to go on as the range grows. Once the range is large enough to ensure that the game has enough options to give players enough variety, stats and special rules will be developed for each creature and a downloadable copy of the beta rules will be made available to backers who chose the gamer option. Magic plays an important role in this skirmish game. Players will be able to summon creatures, cast spells to augment and weaken fighters, change the nature of terrain, and conduct rituals to call upon monstrous entities like dragons, demons and gods.
Because the theme of the game and the development of the battle as the game progresses relies so heavily upon magic, it was important to find a way to immerse players in this world and give them a rich and thematic gaming experience. The answer when it came upon me was so powerful that there was no way I could NOT incorporate it into the game. Players would roll bones to determine the fate of their warriors!
Here's how it works. A mat containing a "summoning circle" is used by both players. Creatures are given signs which are represented on the circle. A creature's sign will make it stronger against some signs and weaker against others. When a player rolls their bones, the facing of the bones will determine whether or not a hit is scored or provide a value determining the level of success for things like casting spells and dealing damage.

List of miniature sizes and price (basic level)
Regular sized miniatures
Orc $12
King of Ghouls $12
Ghoul $12
Swordsman $12
Shaggamaw 1 $12
Shaggamaw 2 $12
Cat Eater $12
Necromancer Bat $12
Wandering Monk $12
Asura+Gnoll $12
Orc $12
King of Ghouls $12
Ghoul $12
Swordsman $12
Shaggamaw 1 $12
Shaggamaw 2 $12
Cat Eater $12
Necromancer Bat $12
Wandering Monk $12
Asura+Gnoll $12
3 Packs
Goblin Foot $15
Shrikes $15
Fungeins $15
Goblin Foot $15
Shrikes $15
Fungeins $15
Large miniatures
Troll Druid $33
Cassowary Rider $25
Troll Druid $33
Cassowary Rider $25
Basilisk $20
RISKS AND CHALLENGESLearn about accountability on Kickstarter
I've been sculpting professionally for several years and have yet to encounter any major obstacles or mishaps during the process of creation of a miniature to that miniature going into production.
The most likely obstacle should any arise is unforeseen delays due to workloads placed upon the caster and myself. I've tried to mitigate this possibility by providing a realistic delivery estimate.
Please understand that to me and everyone else involved in the project, quality and craftsmanship are paramount. We'll keep working on it until it's perfect and we are sure that what you receive is our absolute best. We try to be realistic in our estimates and even give ourselves some room for comfort but if delays arise, it's because we want to give you our best!
Otro kickstarter curioso. Se mezclan conceptos árabes y babilónicos. A ver como acaba!