miércoles, octubre 03, 2012


El Kickstarter de Dreadball finalizó y con muy buenos resultados. Los últimos días del mismo fueron un aluvión de actualizaciones y mucho más material que se ha conseguido subvencionar gracias a ello. Tenemos nuevas razas, nuevos MVP y mucho más. Aqui os dejo las ultimas actualizaciones.


2539 Backers
728,985 $

Update 64

Wow – that is Veer-myn alternate sculpts and prone marker locked in! Great work guys!

As we posted earlier, we’re moving into big stuff territory...

$500,000 – Season 3: DreadBall Ultimate Rulebook and Pitch

Season 3: DreadBall Ultimate is an expansion to the core game and part of our commitment to support DreadBall as a gaming system. DreadBall is the beating heart of the series, and with Ultimate you will be able to play multi-team games, put big models on the pitch and you’ll get access to four new teams and a characterful cast of MVPs with which to use with your regular games as well as when you, your mates or even your club huddle around a big Ultimate board and play for honours – and challenge each other as to who is the best!

Brand new DreadBall art - let us know what you think in the comments!

If we hit this goal, we will be able to include a digital copy of the Season 3 rulesin every pledge level, giving everyone access to the new teams and MVPs, as well as the rules for multi-hex robots, beasties, multiplayer games and variant pitches – a whole host of cool new content to expand your DreadBall experience!

If funded, we’ll also be able to create a new Ultimate pitch with brand new art. This will be a large mounted game board so you can play with 2 teams per side for the ultimate 4 player game experience. Playtests will dictate the look, but we need the space for some multi-hex beasties and multiplayer games so it’s going to be big! This will go up in the Extras ready for you to add to your pledge.

In addition, to celebrate the $500,000 milestone (and rectify the ‘missing’ stretch goal) you’ll each be able to select one of the multi-hex beasties – and add it for freeto a pledge of Striker! and up.

To make this happen however, we’re going to need a couple of BIG things for you to choose from…

DreadBall Mech – coming to a stretch goal soon.

Update 65

The simple answer is that Dreadball Ultimate is Season 3! It is more teams, more MVPs – but now with multi-hex figures too – creating more competitive play and more choice.

Briefly, here is what we will do:

There will be 4 teams in season 3 to take the total up to 12 for Dreadball (the Asterians were always going to be a season 3 team if we made it to $500,000!) – and they will be joined by the mysterious Nameless and two more teams….and these are two of the best teams yet!

We will also have the MVPs for these teams and some of the other great and interesting players from across the Co-Prosperity Sphere!

Mellisandra is just one of these special characters - a former mercenary captain, smuggler and bounty-hunter.

What season 3 will also introduce is big bad MVP’s. The working title for these is Giants. They will be multi-hex figures and have a big impact on the game. There will be rules to introduce them into normal 2 player games on the normal pitch – to just add something new and interesting to your games (you’ll all be seasoned pro-players by then!) They will be heavy playtested and will be fully balanced before we even think about releasing them!

However it also allows us to take Dreadball up a level – and introduce multiplayer or multi-team games - so yes finally you really will be able to field 3 of your teams at once – with loads of MVPs and your shiny new Robots! 

Shiny Robot Syndrome is common across the Co-Prosperity Sphere

To fit all this we will need to give you more space to play on – and that is why we have offered up a new pitch. This pitch will be based on the ½ pitches you have already seen – with a new central piece to allow you to join them together – with up to 6 sides – creating the ULTIMATE Dreadball arena. You can then play 3 teams each or up to 6 players.

Oh – and the central piece will ABSOLUTELY be compatible with the existing MDF and Acrylic pitches at the amazing Kickstarter price – all you will need is an upgrade piece. We will offer the upgrade piece before we ship your season 2 good items (and it will be available in your local gaming store too, as all the range will be) so you can easily take all your existing Dreadball collection and create – the Ultimate Dreadball arena game!

As you know Mantic is a hobby company, run by Hobbyist for Hobbyists. In my perfect world not only could I play Dreadball as a 2 player simple 45 minute board game – but I would also like to get together with my club and have a 2 hour game of battling robots and heroic MVP’s – and that was why we called season 3 Ultimate – because what could be better than that!

Thanks for backing the project and all your support. Please encourage your friends to join in the fun – every backer helps the game come to a wider audience and will allow us to sponsor Tournaments and organised play around the world. And join us for the last 60 hours of the Dreadball experience if we make it to $1m you’ll get to see me in a cheerleader outfit (oh dear!). There will be lots more teasing about the next 4 teams (one is very, very evil indeed (and 1 is rather cute!), there will be loads of super Giant MVP’s and more.



And there you have it - $500,000 achieved and a free digital copy of the Season 3 expansion included into EVERY pledge level!

That’s now rules for four new teams, MVPs and multi-hex robots and beasties as well as a new multiplayer mode of playing and rules for variant pitches. All in all one chunky expansion!

Not only that but you've allowed us to fund a new Ultimate pitch that will enable multiplayer games. This will shortly be available in the extras - though don't worry if you've got one of the customizable or premium boards, we'll be producing a component piece that allows you to expand your board into a multiplayer arena which you'll get an email about closer to the release date!

This is simply an amazing achievement - you guys have been superb in your support and we really appreciate all of the comments we've been getting. Big shout out to Matthew Corless as well who takes the honours of being the gentleman that took us through half a million dollars. Marvelous stuff!

Right then, we've seen some clamouring for a sixth Buy One Get One Free team so, here it is!

$515,000 – The Nameless, Season 3 DreadBall Team

The Nameless get two different Guards and will be a real mixture of tentacly aliens, though they have no Jacks – just Strikers and Guards!

From their appearance it would seem that these close relatives of the famous MVP John Doe are, in fact, several related races rather than one. Or, if not that, several races that come from the same planet. Apart from the tentacles, the biggest clue is the similarly unintelligible babbling screeches and clicks which pass for language and which defy even the most advanced computerised interpretation. Luckily, a few Argolian specialists (of the 4th Grade and above) can understand enough of this speech to act as go-betweens, which is how the Corporation learned of their passionate enthusiasm for DreadBall.

The first of these teams was simply called the Nameless, and it’s a term that often gets used as a catch-all term for all three races. Other team names focus on their suspected origins, or their many tentacles.

If we hit this goal, we will be able to fund the Nameless – the second Season 3 team after the Asterians! To continue the theme, we will include 2 Nameless players into Striker! and include the team in our Buy One Team Get One Freesection – giving you that sixth team you’ve been hankering after ;)

Please let us know what you think in the comments and let’s see if we can nail this goal down soon. We’ve still got a mech to get so that we can give you your free robot!

Ooh, a couple of quick things as well – we’ve got a cool option coming that allows you to round out your teams with more players. Not only that, but we’ve opened up a couple of new Jack and Striker levels that draw from our second print run. We’ve put a January shipping date on them, but if we can ship them earlier we will!

Of course, a couple of Cheerleader and Showboater rewards are still open and have guaranteed pre-christmas shipping if you want to team up with a mate – and yep, they’ll get multiple multi-hex beasties for free accordingly!

Thank you once again for your support and please keep your comments coming - and please keep spreading the love. Just 3 Days to go

Update 67

Well done - the second Season 3 Team is now in!

You’ve now funded the Nameless, allowing us to sculpt a new team – and lots of tentacles. 2 Players have now been included in Striker! and the team is now available as a Buy One Get One Free along with the Asterians, Female Corporation, Judwan, Robots and Z’zor – get in!

Whilst we get busy updating that front page, why don't you take a look at this…

$525,000 - DreadBall Mech

Coupling speed and strength with mechanical precision and a state of the art DreadBall glove, these hulking Mechs are re-purposed military machines, kitted out for the battlefield (minus the big gun of course!)

The DreadBall Mech is the first of the multi-hex miniatures for DreadBall and the idea is that they are can be used across multiple teams, they don’t belong to any one race.

If we hit this goal, we will be able to produce the DreadBall Mech. As promised at the $500,000 goal, you will all get a free multi-hex miniature, and you’ll get to choose from the list that gets funded and add it to a pledge of Striker! The DreadBall Mech is the first to go on that list meaning by default, if we don't fund any others, you'll all get one of these for free!

Of course, variety is the spice of life so we’re going to be needing more on that list so you’ve got lots to choose from...

Hmm - gribbly!

Have at it guys! >:D

Update 68

As we enter the final weekend of what has been an incredible journey, some interesting silhouettes have made it onto the front page…

If we can get up to $600,000 then there’s a whole chunk of stuff that we'll be able to produce.

But the question is – what are they all?

Well, only you and your friends are going to be able to help us find out! 54 hours to go until close, so please keep spreading the news and telling everyone you know (and even those you don't!) about it and let's get these goals smashed! Whilst you do that, we're going to keep scribbling more concepts...

Update 69

WOW - That stretch goal didn’t last long! The DreadBall Mech is now locked in!

The DreadBall Mech makes it onto the list of “Multi-Hex Miniatures” that you can add to your Striker! package for free - simply let us know which you would like in the survey that we send out once the Kickstarter has finished. Remember you can pick one per Striker! so choose wisely!

It will also shortly be available on the main page as an extra that you can add to your pledge for $12.

That’s two down so far today, so to celebrate, here’s two more to tackle…

$530,000 – Season 1 Prone Markers

“He’s down Jake, he’s down!”

“You’re not wrong Jim, that slam from Nazgud must have really hurt!”

“Oh, there’s blood Jake, that’s definitely blood!”

“No time for that Jim, Strike for the Smackers! Four points in the bag.”

With this goal hit we’ll be able to fund prone markers for the Corporation and Marauders – and include one of each in Keeper and up!

Of course, we need more big gribblies too…

$545,000 – Nameless Spawn

Impossibly old, Nameless Spawns are simply hulking masses of scales and tentacles that are well adapted to play DreadBall, so much so that those cunning (and some what brave) mercenaries that are able to capture one have made a small fortune by selling them on to a DreadBall team. On the pitch, the Spawn is able to catch the ball in its webbed hand and can entangle its victims with its mass of tentacles - there is a 66% percent chance of death by suffocation when a Nameless Spawn is on the pitch.

If we hit this goal, we will be able to fund the Nameless Spawn – the second of our Multi-hex beasties! You will be able to pick this beastie as the one you want free with Striker! and we'll make it available in the extras for just $12 as well! Multi-hex miniatures are not team specific and will be able to play for multiple races.

There you are guys - let's see if we can get this Beastie in!

Update 70

Wow – and they’re in!

That’s now one Corporation and one Marauder prone marker added to pledges of Keepers and up - great work!

Right then, big gribbly time…

$545,000 – Nameless Spawn

Impossibly old, Nameless Spawns are simply hulking masses of scales and tentacles that are well adapted to play DreadBall, so much so that those cunning (and some what brave) mercenaries that are able to capture one have made a small fortune by selling them on to a DreadBall team. On the pitch, the Spawn is able to catch the ball with a scaly webbed hand and can entangle its victims with its mass of tentacles - there is a 66% percent chance of death by suffocation when a Nameless Spawn is on the pitch.

If we hit this goal, we will be able to fund the Nameless Spawn – the second of our Multi-hex beasties! You will be able to pick this beastie as the one you want free with Striker! and we'll make it available in the extras for just $12 as well! Multi-hex miniatures are not team specific and will be able to play for multiple races.

Just also to let you know that if you've got your eyes on the Nameless Spawn as your freebie multi-hex beastie, the DreadBall Mech is now available to add to your pledge for just $12 on the front page!


Hmm... thoughts?

Update 71


That’s now four stretch goals nailed today – and the day is still young(ish)!

The Nameless Spawn is now available in your choice of freebie multi-hex miniatures – and as an Extra to add to your pledge for just $12!

Right then – let’s see how many more of those boxes we can tick off…

$550,000 – Customizable DreadBall Inlays

There are many things that make a DreadBall team legendary and many a team’s strength lies in their brand. Veerminator branded hoodies, Rico Van Dien’s major sponsorship deal with VitaCarbs ™ and the Cheddar Gorger’s endorsed range of Sliced Cheeses are all examples of the brand power DreadBall Teams attract.

Giving a DreadBall team some character and background is half the fun and we’re already hearing of all sorts of crazy team ideas and cool color schemes! If we hit this goal we’ll create a range of Downloadable Team Sheet inlays for the Season 1 teams that will fit our White Mantic Carry Cases (available in the extras!) - you’ll be able to download all four of them and customize them with your team name, logos and more! Mantic White Carry Cases will hold up to around 20 miniatures which is more than enough space for an entire DreadBall team – and now you’ll have a way of quickly identifying which team is which on the shelf and making it yours!

Also on the menu…

$565,000 – Alpha Simian

Alpha Simians are large beasts from the jungle worlds of Inera, competitive aliens that enjoy the thrill that comes from a 200mph weapons-grade titanium being flung around a small enclosed arena. Alpha Simians are not the dumb brutes that they are often made out to be – the most famous among them is Toutanka, a maverick Corporation owner and star DreadBall player affectionately dumbed “Hank” – though there are those, like in every society, that simply prefer to keep things primitive and batter the opposition…

If we hit this goal, we will be able to fund Alpha Simian – the third of our Multi-hex beasties! You will be able to pick this beastie as the one you want free with Striker! and we'll make it available in the extras for just $12 as well! Multi-hex miniatures are not team specific and will be able to play for multiple races.

And there you have it guys! We’re going to get updating the main page (we can’t keep up!) whilst you guys ogle Heath’s new art. With more teams, more MVPs and another multi-hex beastie still to come, there’s still everything to play for!

PS – We spoke to many of you about Team Upgrade Packs last night and we’ve got a great solution to get you the maximum allocation of models. Look out for a future update soonish…

Update 72

And the downloadable inlays are yours!

We've knocked over 5 stretches today - and there's still more to come!

Right, we’re still got this bad boy left to get!

$565,000 – Alpha Simian

Alpha Simians are large beasts from the jungle worlds of Inera, competitive aliens that enjoy the thrill that comes from a 200mph weapons-grade titanium being flung around a small enclosed arena. Alpha Simians are not the dumb brutes that they are often made out to be – the most famous among them is Toutanka, a maverick Corporation owner and star DreadBall player affectionately dumbed “Hank” – though there are those, like in every society, that simply prefer to keep things primitive and batter the opposition instead…

If we hit this goal, we will be able to fund Alpha Simian – the third of our Multi-hex beasties! You will be able to pick this beastie as the one you want free with Striker! and we'll make it available in the extras for just $12 as well! Multi-hex miniatures are not team specific and will be able to play for multiple races.

And there you have it guys - let's get Alpha Simian! With just 42 hours to go, it's still all to play for this weekend!

Update 73

With just 30 hours to go - Alpha Simian is in!

Alpha Simian is now available in your choice of freebie multi-hex miniatures – and will shortly be added to as an Extras that you can add to your pledge for just $12! The Mech and the Nameless Spawn are both now available:

Let’s look behind box number 7…

$580,000 – The Zees Team

Some Corporate sponsors haven’t got easy access to bizarre aliens or giant robots to form unusual teams, and everyone wants something weird to draw in the crowds. Farbiketek scientists began experimenting with retraining cerebrally enhanced monkey clones mainly for their own amusement when a supply problem marooned them on Shebentor IV’s outer moon for over two years. By the time the rescue team arrived they found two teams of highly trained monkeys playing DreadBall and nothing more than a few bones of the original scientists. Not one to miss out on a potential profit, the commander of the rescue mission kept the teams intact and ran a league of his on on the way back to base. The rest, as they say, is history…

If we hit this goal, we will be able to fund the Zees – the third Season 3 team!

Zees are a tricksy team of Jacks adept at avoiding the Referee. Extra players on the pitch and easy fouls are common, and there’s even talk of a special way of distributing action counters to get all your models to move in a turn… so super nimble evil little blighters!

Once this team is funded, we’ll add two Zees players into Striker! and make the teams available in the Buy One Get One Free (and for all of you who don’t like odd numbers, there will be an eighth team!) section ready for you to pick up! Rest assured that we've more to add to Jack and Striker in the future but we are now reaching breaking point - the more people that back this project, the more we'll be able to give you back!

Please let us know what you think in the comments and let’s see if we can nail this goal down soon. There’s a big beastie to come soon…

Update 74

DreadBall has been a dream project for us to work on – and the journey we’ve gone through together has been immense!

We’ve talked a bit about some of the shows we’re going to and some of the events we’re going to hold – today was our Mantic Open Day and the DreadBall demo tables were rammed.

Another event we’ll be attending is PAX in the US, hosted by the fantastic guys atPenny Arcade, and we'll be bringing the iconic look of Gabe in DreadBall form as a limited edition Kickstarter MVP. Speaking of which, we've got Roberto Cirillo’s finalized design to show you!

When Jonathan "Gabe" Gabriel died on the pitch, smashed into a uniform paste by the legendary Buzzkill, it was assumed to be the end of his career. When a jockstrap rich in genetic material was discovered, he became the first crowdfunded resurrection by cloning.

Jonathan "Gabe" Gabriel is available in the extras as a limited edition Kickstarter MVP - it will be available after the Kickstarter but will be incredibly difficult to get hold of so if you don't want to miss him, you can add him onto your pledge for just $10.

PS - we're now more than two thirds of the way to the Zees - let's get that team!

Update 75

And the Zees are in!

Some Corporate sponsors haven’t got easy access to bizarre aliens or giant robots to form unusual teams, and everyone wants something weird to draw in the crowds. Farbiketek scientists began experimenting with retraining cerebrally enhanced clones mainly for their own amusement when a supply problem marooned them on Shebentor IV’s outer moon for over two years. By the time the rescue team arrived they found two teams of highly trained clones playing DreadBall and nothing more than a few bones of the original scientists. Not one to miss out on a potential profit, the commander of the rescue mission kept the teams intact and ran a league of his own on the way back to base. The rest, as they say, is history…

That’s now 2 Zees figures included in Striker! and the team added to the Buy One Get One Free!

Up next…

$585,000 – Season 2 Prone Markers

More characterful pieces by Heath Foley!

Dead easy this one - we’ll be able sculpt a prone marker for the female team and the robot team – and include them both free in Striker!

$600,000 – Riller, Zee MVP

Not all clones are made equal. As soon as Farbiketek engineers discovered model CXLI was defective, they spotted an opportunity to turn the malformed creature into a star in it's own right. Fitting him with a powered exo-suit led to Riller being excepted into the ranks of the Zees, and from there his infamy has grown. Of course, exo-suits are technically illegal in most forms of DreadBall, but every court-case levelled at Rilla has been unceremoniously thrown out. After all, anything a lawyer says must be true.

If we hit this goal we’ll be able to sculpt Rilla – the Zees MVP – and include him free into Striker!

We also feel that the Jack pledge hasn’t been feeling the love as of late, so we’ve also decided that Rilla will go into Jack as well as a special thank you for getting us this far!

Oo, by the way...

Completist Package Season 1 is done!

This package is designed to get you the maximum allocation of every player postion. For those of you who must have absolutely everything simply add $20 for this bundle and we'll sort out the rest!

Completist Package Number 2 to follow - and news on this gentleman?

Drop us your feedback below!

Update 76

Well they didn’t last long!

"Sssss----ARGGGGHHH" Lois, Female Corporation Player

That’s now a Female Corporation Prone Marker and a Robot Prone Markeradded into Striker! (and the forth-coming Season 2 completists package!)

This keep this baby rolling - up next:

$600,000 – Rilla, Zee MVP

Not all clones are made equal. As soon as Farbiketek engineers discovered model CXLI was defective, they spotted an opportunity to turn the malformed creature into a star in it's own right. Fitting him with a powered exo-suit led to Riller being excepted into the ranks of the Zees, and from there his infamy has grown. Of course, exo-suits are technically illegal in most forms of DreadBall, but every court-case levelled at Rilla has been unceremoniously thrown out. After all, anything a lawyer says must be true.

If we hit this goal we’ll be able to sculpt Rilla – the Zees MVP – and include him free into Striker!

We also feel that the Jack pledge hasn’t been feeling the love as of late, so we’ve also decided that Rilla will go into Jack as well as a special thank you for getting us this far!
PS: Season 2 Completists Guide

Add this upgrade to a pledge of Striker to add Four Season Two Teams andFour Team Upgrade Packs (valued as Buy One Get One Free - worth $175). This combined with the two figures for each team already included at Striker! will give you the maximum allocation of player positions for your teams!

There you go! Onwards!

Update 77

Wow – with only 16 hours left to go, we’re really rocking!

We need to get some sleep for the final push towards the end, so in case we miss anything – here are the next couple of stretch goals!

$605,000 – Season 2 Prone Markers

Rounding off all of the Season 2 prone markers, we’ll be able to produce one Z’zor marker and one Judwan Marker if we hit this goal - and of course, you’ll get one of each at Striker! (and they'll be included with the Complete Season 2 Strikers Package!)

We also promised a fourth multi-hex miniature - so here it is!:

$625,000 – Barricade, Season 3 Multi-Hex Robot

The ultimate robot for the ultimate competition, nothing gets past the "Barricade". This heavily armored robot is generally seen skidding around the pitch, ramming into opposing players and generally being a bit erratic…which of course, is half of his charm!

If we hit this goal, we’ll be able to produce Barricade – the fourth multi-hex miniature for Season 3 - and add him to the list of multi-hex monsters you get to choose from to include free at Striker! Of course, he’ll also go up as an extra that you add to your pledge for just $12!

There you have it – should be enough to keep you busy for the next hour!

Don’t panic if we hit Barricade whilst we’re asleep, emergency procedures are in place in case we need an update. The Zees butlers that we have working Mantic Towers are on full alert with an update on a new team of the large and teleporting kind…

Please drop us your comments below - and thanks for supporting Mantic! If ever there was a time to get your mates to pledge, it is now!

Update 78

Well, we thought it might happen but that’s two stretch goals smashed whilst we were sleeping and we’re over half way to the next one…

That’s now Riller added to Jack and Striker!, as well as Z’zor and Judwan Prone Markers into Striker!

Up Next:

$625,000 – Barricade, Season 3 Multi-Hex Robot

The ultimate robot for the ultimate competition, nothing gets past the "Barricade". This heavily armored robot is generally seen skidding around the pitch, ramming into opposing players and generally being a bit erratic…which of course, is half of his charm!

For future direction (and we’re trying to get an updated sketch today!), we’re thinking wheels off, sharpen up the ram at the front and make it hover. Sound good?

If we hit this goal, we’ll be able to produce Barricade – the fourth multi-hex miniature for Season 3 - and add him to the list of multi-hex monsters you get to choose from to include free at Striker! Of course, he’ll also go up as an extra that you can add to your pledge for just $12!

Also, the Completist bundles went up last night:

These bundles are designed for those of you who want to fill out your maximum number of player positions and get literally everything - adding these bundles onto Striker! makes for an easy one-click solution to getting 16 players for your team!

We've seen some queries on the bundles, so we've put the most common together below in a mini-FAQ:
Quick FAQ

- Can I mix and match Season 2 and 3 teams together instead of just Season 2 teams?

Yes – if you’d like to mix and match Season 2 and 3 teams in the $85 Complete Season 2 Bundle, please add $5 P+P.

- Do the packages include Bases/Keepers/Cheerleaders/Coaches?

No – these are still separate add-ons as we appreciate not all of you will want all of the extras!

- Why do I need 16 players for my Judwan team when they only have Strikers?

We've included the same number of models across all teams just to keep things equal across the Buy One Get One Free. Any extra figures can be used as Free Agents or perhaps as the basis for converting a coach!

- Will there be a completists Season 3 bundle:

Yes - if we are able to fund the four Season 3 teams! Teleporting aliens coming next?

Update 79

And Barricade is in!

Barricade is now available in your choice of freebie multi-hex miniature at Striker! – and is now available as an Extra that you can add to your pledge for just $12!

Right then - next up, we need another Season 3 Team for your Buy One Get One Free offer!

$645,000 - Teraton Team

The thriving Teraton Empire is a relative newcomer to the galactic powers-that-be but they have already embedded themselves into Corporate culture. Master tacticians, auxiliary fighters and shrewd merchants, Teratons are deep-thinkers and incredibly intelligent, despite their huge size and ponderous movements.

When the slow, hulking Teratons first announced they were going to field a DreadBall team as part of a public relations stunt within the Co-Prosperity Sphere, these living tanks were ridiculed and criticized by the media and senior coaches – too slow to keep pace with the acrobatic displays of the big league teams, too big to be able to cope with the skill and finesse of the sport’s rising stars. Once again, Teraton intellect had been underestimated.

Well aware of their apparent weakness, the Treserarc Titans took to the pitch with cerebrally implanted teleportation devices, seemingly able to disappear into thin air with a knack of rematerializing just in front of a lone striker going for a big score or an isolated jack that was chasing down the ball. Their first match was a bloodbath and the opposing Isotek Angels team were consigned to their first major league defeat of the season. Since then, Teraton Teams and the associated *pop* of the teleportation devices have become part of the DreadBall legend.

If we hit this goal, we'll be able to produce the Teraton Team - a lumbering race that can teleport around the pitch! We will include two figures free at Striker! and we will make the team available in the Buy One Get One Free section on the main page.

Have at it guys - 7 hours to go to get the Teratons and plenty more to come from us!

Update 80

WOW! That’s the twelfth DreadBall team locked in – the Teratons have arrived!

That’s now 2 figures included free into Striker!, the team added to the Buy One Get One Free Section and…

A Completists Season 3 bundle ready to boost your teams to the maximum 16 players!

Right, let’s keep aiming for the stars:

$655,000 – Season 3 Prone Markers

OK – so we’re short on art for this one after pushing Heath on the Teratons (and blooming awesome they are too!) but if we hit this goal we will sculpt all four Season 3 Prone Markers in the same characterful style that Heath has designed these others in!

If we hit this goal, we’ll be able to add them to the above ‘Any 4 for $8” deal and theSeason 3 Completists Pack.

$670,000 – “Dozer,” Teraton MVP

Despite his irrational fear of the Nameless (ew, tentacles!), “Dozer” is not someone you tease lightly. Headstrong and reckless by Teraton standards, “Dozer’ is a living tank and immensely strong. Cunning use of his teleportation device means that “Dozer” always seems to be in the right place at the right time, electrical trails blazing all around him as he flails his entire body to beat his opponent into submission…

The big guy himself, if we hit this goal we will be able to produce “Dozer,” the Teraton MVP. This guy is big like Buzzcut, and we’ll include him in the extras to add to your pledge!

Striker! is now bursting with value (with a saving of over $200!) and we’re struggling to fit much more in. We’ve still got more to come– so let’s keep charging towards 2,500 backers and let’s get you some more stuff to ogle!!
5 Hours to go!

Just a heads up, we’ve managed to convince Golem to paint up 3 more Strikers meaning there are now 3 new Team Colours pledge levels opened up!

In addition, if you’re curious about having your own sculpts done (perhaps you’d like to be an MVP, a coach or maybe even a cheerleader!) then get in touch with us and we’ll see what we can come up with!

Have at it guys, still four and a half hours to go! Please keep spreading the word - we're now 82 backers away from 2500!

Update 81

Well they didn’t last long – Season 3 Prone Markers are in!

Grab any four prone markers for $8 or add on the Season 3 Completist package to get yours!

You know what's next...

$670,000 – “Dozer,” Teraton MVP

Despite his irrational fear of the Nameless (ew, tentacles!), “Dozer” is not someone you tease lightly. Headstrong and reckless by Teraton standards, “Dozer’ is a living tank and immensely strong. Cunning use of his teleportation device means that “Dozer” always seems to be in the right place at the right time, electrical trails blazing all around him as he flails his entire body to beat his opponent into submission…

The big guy himself, if we hit this goal we will be able to produce “Dozer,” the Teraton MVP. This guy is big like Buzzcut, and we’ll include him in the extras so you can add him to your pledge!

Striker! is now bursting with value (with a saving of over $200!) and we’re struggling to fit much more in. We’ve still got more to come – so let’s keep charging towards 2,500 backers and let’s get you some more stuff to ogle!!

Update 82

Well “Dozer” has gone down well – he’s now locked in!

"Dozer" is available in the extras to add to your pledge for just $10!

Ooh - who's that guy?

You guys are just simply legendary.

We have had the best day on Kickstarter since the project began, we’ve smashed more goals than we can remember and we’re just 56 backers away from reaching the 2,500 backer milestone!

We’ve got more goals primed and ready for you – the first to complete Season 2 out!

$685,000 – Season 2 Additional Sculpts

We’re keen to ensure that you get the most variety in your teams and if we hit this goal we’ll add more additional sculpts to EVERY Season 2 team, boosting the number of poses you’ll get in your team and improving the range even further.

Female Striker with alternate components - which would you choose?

We will upgrade the Season 2 Figures in Striker! and Jack to these new alternatively posed figures so they are different to those in the team boxes and we’ll upgrade the 6 “booster” models in the Season 2 Completist package as well!

With time ticking out, we’ve still got more to come if you want it – let’s keep smashing those goals!

Update 83

Wahey - we’re really flying!

Season 2 has now been locked out with great alternatively posed miniatures, expanding the choice and variety in your teams!

With two hours left – let’s see what’s next!

$700,000 Complete Season 3

If we hit this goal we’ll increase the number of sculpts in EVERY Season 3 team, boosting the number of poses you’ll get in your team and improving the range even further.

We'll be able to do all of the variant parts if we hit this goal!

We will upgrade the Season 3 Figures already in Striker! to these new alternatively posed figures and we’ll upgrade the 6 “booster” models in the Season 3 Completist package as well!

Don't worry about the gentleman in the silhouette - he'll be with you soon as well!

We've nearly reached double the value of the Kings of War Kickstarter campaign - that's got to be worth celebrating right?

Update 84

And the Season 3 additional sculpts completing the teams and the range has now been expanded with even more variety!

Some of you mentioned that we'd missed Season 3 Keepers - so we're going to have a quick little mini-goal to get them funded!

$705,000 - Four Season 3 Keepers!

We will sculpt four Season 3 Keepers - 2 different kinds of Nameless Keeper, an Asterian and a Teraton!

We will make these available as a "Four for $15" deal. A hard copy of the Season 3 Rulebook for $10 (add another $5 and Ronnie and Jake will sign it for you!) is now available as well!

Next up – celebration time at $709,996 as we double Kings of War!

Who knows where this baby is going to end!

Update 85

Well that went pretty quickly haha!

Season 3 Keepers are in and are now available in the extras, as is the Season 3 Book!

$709,996 – Thank you!

If we hit this goal, we’ll have doubled the amount raised as part of our Kings of War Kickstarter – that is cause for celebration, an incredible achievement!

To kickstart competitive play we will support DreadBall tournaments both sides of the Atlantic (and Australia and Europe when we find some willing partners!) with prizes and sponsorship. This should lead the way to make sure that DreadBall is played in every club and hobby stores (and you’ll never be far away from a game!)

The total amount pledged is staggering, and these tournaments will be a worldwide celebration where we can meet you guys, shake your hands in person and challenge you to a game.

Thank you for your support! More stretches to come!!

EDIT - OOPS! published too late. New one on it's way:

$720,000 - The Praetorian, Ultimate MVP!

Update 86

Phew! Thank you all so much for your support!

This is going mental - can we get the Praetorian?

$720,000 – The Praetorian

The origins of the Praetorian is clouded in mystery – some say he was a lone spacefarer who crash landed on a Judwan-inhabited planet – others say that he travelled from beyond the edges of the known universe.

The Praetorian is a complete enigma – he does not wear armour as his skin shifts like living metal. Some have come to think of the Praetorian as a cyborg – others just accept that he is just another kind of alien.

If we reach this goal we’ll be able to fund the Praetorian – a mysterious DreadBall MVP and make him available to add on in the extras for just $8!

Update 87

Wow – this is nuts!

You’ve heard the rumours that Xtreme is coming next year – it’s dark, it’s dirty and you’re going to get the very first MVP with rules!

$730000 - Blaine, Xtreme MVP

If we hit this model, we’ll sculpt Blaine – the first from Season 4.

As the last stretch goal of the Kickstarter, we will include Blaine free at Jack and Striker to say thank you!

Update 88

There are no words to express how awesome this journey has been! The popularity of DreadBall has been immense – we’re already getting emails from people who have missed it!

With one or two last minute cancellations, the stretch goal for Blaine was missed.


Many of you will have seen that there are backers who preferred to pledge via PayPal and we’ve built up well over the $1015 that we were away from the stretch goal.

So what would you expect your favourite miniatures company to do?

That’s right – we’ll include the Blaine figure in Jack and Striker! for free to celebrate what has been an absolutely epic achievement.

Blaine will be included for free in Jack and Striker! - just a preview of what to expect from DreadBall Xtreme!

Thank you to our long list of partners who have worked hard for us in helping tell everyone about our great new game and thank you to all of the designers, concept artists and support staff at Mantic Games for boiling the kettle and keeping the web team going – it was hard work but we’ve made it!

Thank you for your support.

We’re going to start work this week in putting the survey together. This will take a week or two to get right (and we only get one shot!) so please be patient whilst we put it together. You’ll be able to add extra stuff to your pledge via the survey, which we will bill you for via PayPal.

Once again thank you for taking us on a phenomenal journey.

Chris and Stewart

Mantic Games

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