domingo, septiembre 16, 2012


El Kickstarter sigue avanzando. Quedan dos semanas para que finalice y cada día salen bocetos e ideas nuevas. En estas actualizaciones se ven unas cuantas nuevas razas y algunas cosillas más de la segunda temporada. Además al llegar a la meta de los 250.000 $ añadirán 12 Miniaturas a los donativos.


Good morning Sports Fans!

After yesterday's update on free figures and buy one get one free teams, we've only gone and knocked over another stretch goal - Wyn Greth'zki is in!

Now then, let's get some more teams...

$235,000 - The Judwan, Season 2 Team

Judwan - Alien Concept Art

The alien Judwan are unique in that they're probably going to be a team of Strikers - and they don't require a DreadBall Glove to catch the ball (well, this is the current thinking anyway, depends on the playtests!) If we pass this goal we will:

- add One Judwan Figure to Jack!

- add Two Judwan Figures to Striker!

- Make the Team available as a Buy One Get One Free!

Let's see if we can do the unthinkable and knock this goal over today, whilst we work up some more delicious stretch goals - please keep spreading the word!


Today we’ve posted up two new pledge levels with the bricks-and-mortar store in mind!

Local Friendly Gaming Stores are a big part of Mantic’s make up and we’ve created two levels where if you’ve got a store, you can pick up a great DreadBall launch pack and demo kit!

The Championship Venue Bundle features a great selection from our launch range including copies of the game, teams, MVPs and more. Not only that but we’ve also included a special demo Hexboard in it as well to make in-store demo gaming as easy and as good looking as possible, and a listing in the Fanzone on the DreadBall website so everyone knows which venue to go to for the best in DreadBall gaming.

Upgrading to the World Series Venue Bundle will get you even more in your bundle as well as a custom Premium Hexboard etched with your store name across the centre strip for the personal touch. Games played on the Premium Hexboard look simply amazing and we’ll also list you on the DreadBall website as a World Series Venue.

Kickstarter has allowed us to improve the DreadBall box so much more – the game that’s going to be hitting shelves at the end of the year is better for having been on here so we’re pleased that we can pass on the benefits to everyone and support our traders with these awesome launch bundles. If you've got a local store and want them to get DreadBall on the shelves then please let them know about the fantastic deals we've got!
I've got a store! How do I find more?

The Championship Venue Bundle and World Series Venue Bundle are for traders only at our standard trade terms - for full details, including shipping rates, please contact your Mantic Trade Rep before pledging.

For North America, call 443-618-7414 or email

For UK, Europe and the Rest of the world, call +44 (0) 115 933 8444, or email


With just over two weeks left to go we’re now approaching the quarter of a million dollars mark – a truly exceptional amount. With that in mind we really wanted to say thank you, so we’ve put together two new stretch goals…

$242,500 – Mee-kel Judwan, Superstar Sportsman – Season 2 MVP
What is there to say about this Superstar Sportsman other than if we hit this goal, we’ll sculpt him and include him free with Jack and Striker!

Mee-Kel Judwan - Cool, calm and collected!

$250,000 – Full Roster
This is a truly monumental milestone and we’re going to take this opportunity to upgrade your rewards with loads more figures. If we hit this goal, we will do the following…

1) At Guard ($30) – in addition to the digital copy of the Season 2 rules already included, we will add the Season 2 teams to the list of what you can pick from and add a free MVP to every team chosen at this level.

2) At Keeper ($80) – we will complete your team roster and add in eight models, making for a total of 14 Corporation and 14 Marauders! We will also add a DreadBall Decal sheet with four sets of numbers 1-14 in four different fonts, making Keeper worth over $120.

3) At Jack ($100) – In addition to all of the extras included in Jack, we will add in nine models – 4 Corporation Players and 4 Marauder Players to complete your team rosters, as well as 1 Female Corporation Player (so eventually you'll get one of every player from Season 2!). Couple this with all of the MVPs you've got and you’ll be spoilt for choice as to what you actually play with in your team! We’ll also add the decal sheet, making Jackworth around $200.

4) At Striker! ($150) – We will complete the rosters of all four teams, adding in twelve new models – 2 Corporation, 2 Marauders, 4 Veer-myn and 4 Forge Fathers – and a decal sheet to make Striker! worth over $300!

Once we've completed your team rosters, we’ll do the Z’zor (where you’ll get one Z’zor inJack, two in Striker and we’ll make the team available as part of the Buy One Get One Free!)

Please help us spread the word - the more backers that support us now, the quicker we can add more free models in!
And if that's not enough...

We’ve done some tidy-ups to the main page today, introducing new graphics and making all of the MVPs available so as add-ons (we’ve hit our character limit on the main page too so I’m sure you’ll appreciate more photos of cool minis and less waffle!) Here's an exampl... oh, I wonder who that could be?

Anyway, we’ve also taken the opportunity to include the Referee and some extra Balls as an add-on as well!

Happy hunting >:D


And here they are:

Jake’s also been digging around and has found out more about the Judwan for us:

The Judwan are a placid, calm and peaceful race. How they got to be exiled from their home planet, and how they ended up playing DreadBall is a long story that must wait for another time. Suffice to say that they were unfortunate in revering a land under which considerable mineral wealth lay, and doubly unfortunate in lacking a formal military.

DreadBall has provided them with both a focus for their time and a means to raise funds for their eventual return. It has been a long struggle, and is likely to go on for many years yet, but as long as it does the many fans of DreadBall will be more than happy to watch the unique Judwanese style on the arena floor.

The tiny number of Judwanese teams play an odd game of DreadBall. The have neither Guards nor Jacks and do not try to damage their opponents. Instead they simply outplay them. A Judwan Striker needs no glove to catch or throw the ball, instead using his long, lithe arms and slender fingers to launch the ball with as much or more speed than other races. Their games are fast and often surprising with a tendency to end suddenly in a 7 point landslide.

And that my friends are the Judwan – and it’s all thanks to your efforts!

Of course they need an MVP though…

$242,500 – Mee-kel Judwan, Superstar Sportsman MVP

What is there to say about this Superstar Sportsman other than if we hit this goal, we’ll sculpt him and include him free with Jack and Striker!

And you know what’s after that – we’ll pump your pledge full of new minis! Click here for details (otherwise this is going to be a massive post!) on what's coming at $250,000. Catch you all later!


zzz – zzz

What’s that buzzing?

Got a favourite? Let us know in the comments >:D


Mee-kel Judwan, Superstar Sportsman, is in and MJ has now been added free to Jackand Striker! – get in!

Thanks to your effort we now have two Season 2 teams (The Judwan and the Female Corporation – both part of our Buy One Get One Free don’t forget!) and three Season 2 MVPs (Wyn, Mee-kel and Wildcard!) – simply amazing stuff!

Right, let’s see if we can tackle this one… Bumper Stretch Goal Alert!

$250,000 – Full Roster
This is a truly monumental milestone and we’re going to take this opportunity to upgrade your rewards with loads more figures. If we hit this goal, we will do the following…

1) At Guard ($30) – in addition to the digital copy of the Season 2 rules already included, we will add the Season 2 teams to the list of what you can pick from and add a free MVPto every team chosen at this level.

2) At Keeper ($80) – we will complete your team roster and add in eight models,making for a total of 14 Corporation and 14 Marauders! We will also add a DreadBall Decal sheet with four sets of numbers 1-14 in four different fonts, making Keeper worth over $120.

3) At Jack ($100) – In addition to all of the extras included in Jack, we will add in nine models – 4 Corporation Players and 4 Marauder Players to complete your team rosters, as well as 1 Female Corporation Player (so eventually you'll get one of every player from Season 2!). Couple this with all of the MVPs you've got and you’ll be spoilt for choice as to what you actually play with in your team! We’ll also add the decal sheet, making Jack worth around $200.

4) At Striker! ($150) – We will complete the rosters of all four teams, adding in twelve new models – 2 Corporation, 2 Marauders, 4 Veer-myn and 4 Forge Fathers – and a decal sheet to make Striker! worth over $300!

And then we're onto Z'zor...

Z'zor Striker - Early Concept Art. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Please help us spread the word - the more backers that support us now, the quicker we can add more free models in!


Today’s post is all about Leagues, which is handy because Jake has done this fantastic blog all about league play! Here’s a snippet…

The idea is a simple mirror of sporting reality. Leagues are played in rounds. Your team plays a game, individual players become more experienced and at a certain point this cumulative experience manifests as a new ability. Players with more abilities are worth more, and the whole team is worth the sum of its players + ancillary bonuses (cards and Coaching Dice). This is the kind of thing we see in real world sports.. .- you can read the full entry here!

DreadBall is a game begging for league play and we’ve always said that we’ll support it the Mantic Way. But what does that mean? Well, here's a list of some of the things we're thinking of...

- We will create a “League Pack” (already included at the League Sponsor level) to support your league and club with promotional material, a league table poster, trophy pack and more.

- We will launch DreadBall League Software. We’ve got some ideas on the features we want, but we’d love to hear your suggestions in the comments!

- We will hold a DreadBall Tournament in the summer of 2013 after you’ve got all of your Season 2 models. We’re some way away from that so we’ll announce details when we know more.

Got plans for a league? Gaming club that wants to get involved? Why not let us know what you think about the above and let us have your ideas!

PS - Less than $4,000 to go until we break through the $250,000 mark and add in up to 12 models into your pledge!

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