miércoles, agosto 22, 2012


Como se puede ver en la oferta de empleo, Wayland Games busca un jefe de equipo para organizar un grupo de diseño. Visto en su Facebook gracias a Carl M. Hoffeber.

Ya lo dijo garou_den en la Tertulia 12  con Alessio Cavatore, David Llop y Alberto Martin que el futuro de la industria sería que las tiendas online finaciarian los juegos para venderlos ellos.

Podéis escucharlo en este FyD enlace.

Wayland Games Ltd are looking for an experienced Studio Head to lead a design team on the development of cutting edge new tabletop games and products.
The Studio Head will be responsible for the design and mechanics vision of games and other products

and their successful development.

You Will:
• Collaborate with creative induviduals to establish the vision of a game or product.
• Ensure that the vision of each game/product meets the needs of stakeholders and players.
• Communicate the vision of each game/product to involved parties.
• Collaborate with other departments (Marketing, IT, Operations).
• Have an open minded approach to game and product design and be willing to challenge conventions.

We hope you will be:
• A positive, creative and energetic team member within the organisation.
• Capable of liasing closely with your collegeus to deliver our shared vision.

Knowledge, Skills and Experience:
• Experience of Tabletop Game Industry.
• Experience of the aspects of Prototyping and Manufacture.
• Passion for Gaming is a must!
• Strong written and verbal communication skills.
• Posses self-motivation, drive and a passion for quality and excellence.

Apply Here:  https://podio.com/webforms/1676845/106276

4 comentarios:

  1. Porque tengo una carrera que terminar, que si no me apuntaba a ese trabajo T_T

    1. mandame tu curriculum para buscarte algo en FYD jajaja.es coña.

      a ver si te vuelves a meter en el skype tio...se te hecha de menos esos gtitos d ela uni ;)

    2. Lo que se hecha de menos son las del pantaloncito ajustadito xD

  2. lo bonito de las mujeres es que hay por todos lados si sabes buscar ;)


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